Don’t touch my hair
Or should I say my crown
Without permission, you touch
And I am let down.
What would make the message clear?
I am not an exhibit at the zoo
But when I react
I get a “what’s wrong with you?”
How degrading it feels
For you to stretch your judgments
twirl them through my hair
Then ask why it gets stuck in there
Don’t touch my hair
You’re not asked if your hair is done
How many times do you wash it?
Or Exactly, where did you get it from?
Weave or braids
Natural or waves
This took time to lay
Edges and all
everything has a place
A number of creams and gels
My crown holds up well.
Every one of my curls has character
Moisturized with self-worth and wealth
Don’t touch my hair
Don’t touch my crown
It is what I’ve been blessed with
I just want my crown to be at peace.
To be a queen without the touching and questions