Youtube has grown o be one of the most popular social media platforms ever. I myself have been on Youtube since the I was about 8 years old. I would scroll through random videos all day. Finally, my sophomore year of High School I decided to start my own channel.
I started almost 3 years ago and although I'm no where near some of the bigger YouTubers, I love making content out of my own unique creativity. The reason I started youTube was to make a name for myself and to put my editing skills to the test. I am currently a film student and am hoping for my content to prosper as time goes on. I try to post videos as often as I can meaning either twice in one week or twice a month.
I don't think many people understand that YouTube is a job, and people actually do make a living for it. The more videos are uploaded, the more your subscribers grow. The more your subscribers grow, the more money you get. Personally, I do Youtube to publish material that I create all myself. Material as in my Channel art, thumbnails, and content itself.
My youtube channel is called Vona Talks, I usually talk about random things, Vlog, or create fashion videos.
Once you start using YouTube more often, you can monetize your videos. Monetizing means allowing Ads to play over your videos so that you can sponsor that specific Ad. If someone watching your video clicks on the Ad even accidentally, then money goes into your YouTube account.
The best part about Youtube is watching other peoples videos. YouTube is a community where people from all over the world publish their videos for others to see. YouTube can be very opinionated because of the thumbs up and thumbs down option, but other than that people tend to have their favorite YouTube channels.