Cinema is one of the greatest expressions of live art. The use of motion pictures creates a visual medium that tells a story and exposes reality. For the past century, these motion pictures have transformed from small, five minute scenes to on average reaching about three hours. The use of technology and graphic displays has immensely improved the evolution of film-making. Of course everyone has their own list of their most favorite movies. Some really like to stick to the oldies but goodies, and others think that the use of our advanced technology presently has enabled producers and filmmakers to create record setting films. People always ask me what I consider to be my favorite film. I usually stumble and take a while to answer, so I decided to delve into my knowledge of movies and create my own film watch list.
Here are my 15 favorite movies, which could be considered the greatest movies of all time:
1. "The Wizard of Oz"
2. "Gone With the Wind"
3. "Shawshank Redemption"
4. "Forrest Gump"
5. "The Godfather"
6. "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban"
7. "The Silence of the Lambs"
8. "Pelican Brief"
9. "It's a Wonderful Life"
10. "Saving Private Ryan"
11. "Raiders of the Lost Ark"
12. "To Kill a Mockingbird"
13. "Jurassic Park"
14. "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles"
15. "Along Came a Spider"
All of these films have such a great story line, whether it's a romantic comedy, a love-hate relationship and even some crime drama. There is a piece of me in each of these movies, and I cannot make myself quit watching them.