When people ask you the question, “Who is your hero?" it always stumps me because I have a few of them. There are my mom and my dad like everyone says, but there is also my grandma who is the matriarch of our family. She has been taking care of me since I was born. She is my best friend and my second mother. We have a very tight bond that will never be broken and I see her almost everyday when I am home, so it is really hard being away from her when I am at school, but I talk to her often. I am one of the luckiest girls in the world to have her as my grandma and I thank the angels above that I was blessed enough to have her.
She is one of the most loving and sweetest people I know and she always puts everyone first. If I asked her to go to lunch and she had plans she would cancel them in a heartbeat to join me. She never favors any of her grandchildren or children, she puts her all in every relationship she has. She has so much poise and strength, and after everything she has been through in her life I don't know how she does it. I only hope that I can be just like her when I grow up. She has a great fashion sense, friends who will do anything for her and whom she would do anything for, and she has so much energy that I don't know where it comes from. I wish I had that much energy, and I am going to be 21.
Last weekend my parents, my uncle and my aunt threw her a party at my house and they invited the whole family from all over the country and everyone came in town to celebrate her special day. Once all 40 people were in our house I took a step back and saw how many people came into celebrate her birthday. It made me realize how truly loved and admired she was. That is what happens when you are nice to everyone and put others in front of yourself, it eventually comes back to you. We had such a fun night with everyone sharing stories from when they were all kids, giving speeches about the matriarch of the family and it melted my heart, as everyone got so emotional.
I guess the next time that someone asks me that question I'll know exactly what to say without hesitation because I could go on forever talking about my grandma and the love I have for her. Thank you Grandma Bunny for being my hero and my best friend, I really don't know what I would do without you in my life. I am so thankful for all of the lessons you have taught me and I will keep them with me forever.