“Letting go, and letting God.”
Can you even count how many times you’ve heard someone say that?
I know I can’t. It’s such a great thing to not only say, but also do. And yet it has become so cliché. It is sad, but it’s true. Everyone says it. They tweet it, Facebook it, Instagram it, get it tattooed...the whole nine yards.
Have you wondered if they ever actually let go, and let God?
I haven't done that, even in my own life. And not only that, I say things that really have no meaning at all, on a daily basis. It seems as if we think that we can just “let go, and let God” whenever we please. It’s almost like we are saying, “You got this one God, I’ll just handle it another time,” as if He can’t always handle it. We just take Him out of His “box” that we crammed Him in whenever it's convenient for us.
How pitiful.
The nerrrrrvveee we have to even… Good gracious.
We always turn something that could be so good, into something that is just selfish and wrong.
Thanks, satan.
What that quote should actually mean is that we totally surrender to Him, and Him alone. That we have moved aside and let Him take control of our lives, and to finally do what we should always do! Total surrender means giving it all to God. No matter what it is...whether school, relationships, activities, and yes, even your whole future! We are nothing apart from Him, so why on earth do we even try to be?
In the last year of college, I have been super stressed and had no peace. I changed my major from Social Work to Public Relations, to Elementary Education (I can't wait until I can call myself a teacher). Yet, I never found peace about college and my calling, until I literally let go completely and allowed God to do His will. I gave my future to Him. I don’t mean to say that He didn’t already have it; I just mean that I said, “Have Your will.” I surrendered my all to God.
And guess what? Ever since that moment, I have been overwhelmed with Peace, that which I know only God can provide. I never imagined that this is where I would be, but it is, and I not only have peace, I also have JOY. I'm actually excited about school.
Here is the point I am trying to make. When you truly “let go and let God,” it is really amazing to see what He will do, in and through you.
I plan on being a teacher in New York City to inner-city youth after graduation. That’s what God is calling my heart to now. God could change my heart at any minute and call me to something else that will lead me to where I need to be, and He may not. The point is this: I’m okay with whatever and wherever I end up with because it is His will, not mine.
I think that when we finally reach that point and seriously hand our lives over to God, we will be even more blessed. We miss out on so many opportunities God has for us because we are so focused on having our future and every other moment planned out how WE want it to be instead of allowing God to use us where He wants us to be.
"Trust in the Lord in all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all of your ways, acknowledge Him, and he will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6