"Glo-Up" is a term that refers to a person's physical transition after puberty.
To be honest with you, I don't use this term. I have finally started using "fam" and my boyfriend gives me a look as if he is begging me to stop.
Glowing-up makes me think of one thing and that is the beautiful transition from a schoolgirl into the princess that we all know and love.
Well, it made me think about how have I became my own version of the Princess of Genovia. I was granted my thin-framed brown glasses in the fifth grade and braces in the seventh grade. Puberty had run rampant and I choose to forget those pictures.
I debated on choosing a picture or hiding this horrible time in the archives of Facebook. Well, that was me at 13 in all my glory. I have no words, but I will let you take it all in.
Yep, that is me as a fresh ninth grader. I was only 15 in this photo. I had finally gotten contacts and my braces were removed. I was the happiest girl on planet earth. I will go ahead and warn you right now, I seriously don't look much different. But, thank God I stopped taking pictures like that.
Seriously, head tilted down while making my eyes look huge. It is as if a viewer is a giant person and I am a mere dwarf. Also, pencil eyeliner was not my friend.
Tenth grade came and I finally learned out to do eyeliner without stretching my eyelid out to oblivion. Please note the over-plucked, thin as a piece of paper eyebrows. I am not proud of it...
Oh, but my hair was amazing. Fingers crossed it actually grows out that long again without becoming a tangled mess.
As I came upon senior year, I was drawing in my eyebrows, which were still thin as a pen tip. Also, I thought laying down would make me look better because I could see my jawline in the picture. I guess that makes you more attractive as a senior.
Just a side note to anyone in their senior year, I promise you don't need a full face of makeup. Enjoy your skin, let it breathe. This is just a rare photo of my skin without thousands of red pimples.
Now here we are at age 20. I'm a rising senior in college and I put down the tweezer. You can judge, its fine. The eyebrow game is still very, very weak, but at least I finally have some to work with....right?
Maybe not so much a "glo-up" as I learned how to stop over-editing my photos and laugh a little more. Maybe, one day, people will stop asking me what grade in high school I am in.