My Girl Makes Me Cry Every Time | The Odyssey Online
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My Girl Makes Me Cry Every Time

My girl, my girl, my girl, talkin' 'bout my girl.

My Girl Makes Me Cry Every Time

You’re about 10 years old, flipping through the Direct TV guide and you come across a movie called "My Girl." You’ve heard the song and you’ve heard plenty of people talking about the movie so you decide to select this movie from the guide (BAD DECISION, GO BACK WHILE YOU CAN).

WARNING: there are multiple spoilers from here until the end of the article.

"My Girl" starts out cute, Vada is the tomboyish little girl, whose best friend is, of course, a boy that lives near her, Thomas J. How can anyone be named Thomas J and not be the cutest person in the entire world?

Thomas J is my favorite young character in any movie ever, he's intelligent and witty. He has the cutest little crush on Vada who still thinks boys are totally gross (please if I ever have children let them be just like Thomas J’s and Vada’s characters ). Vada’s family owns a morgue, and the morgue just so happens to be in the basement of their own house. Now we all know that this is not going to end well considering there is literally a morgue in the main characters house.

Thomas J is the sweetest character in the movie, so obviously he has to go. Vada and Thomas J are out riding their bikes in the woods when they come across a beehive. Thomas J warns Vada that he is allergic to bees and that they should get out of there, so they do. No harm done, right? Vada, whose mother died when she was a young girl, wears her mother's mood ring everywhere she goes. She realizes once they get home from their bike ride that her ring is missing and she must have lost it near the beehive. Thomas J can’t stand to see Vada so upset over the loss of her ring, so what does he do? He goes and gets Vada’s ring for her because he cares about her so much. He gets the ring, however he is stung severely by the bees, and he dies (I’m crying now, but it just gets worse from here).

Vada’s father goes upstairs to tell her about Thomas J and she doesn’t understand that he is no longer with her, she thinks that he’s just sick and she will be able to play with him tomorrow. When she realizes that Thomas J is dead she runs to the doctor that she always goes to (Vada always think that she has whatever the people in the morgue died from, so the doctor treats her as if she were really sick), she says that she is dying even though this is not the case.

When Vada finally goes back home, Thomas J’s funeral is in progression. She runs up to the casket saying that he can’t see and he needs his glasses (now I am dying, why is this movie so unfair?).

At the end of the movie, Vada and her father are walking in their small town and they run into Thomas J’s mother. She has Vada’s ring in her purse and hands it to her telling her that she knows Thomas J would have wanted her to have it. It’s obvious that she is still struggling really bad with the loss of her son (so are we, and we probably always will be).

No matter how many times I sit down and watch "My Girl" it still hits me just as hard as it did the first time. I am the kind of person that will recommend this movie to my friends, I am very sorry to you if any of you are reading this. The emotion brought to me by this film is overwhelming every time that I watch it, there aren't many movies that can do that.

I'm probably going to go home and watch "My Girl," and cry for hours now, but I guess that's what I deserve for putting all of these emotions into one article.

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