I am constantly seeing into today's society how my generation is the "Generation of Failure." Now, I won't say that this statement is wrong, but I will try to show you why I feel inclined to talk about this. Yes, we are a generation that will start some ridiculous protest just because we listened to someone say something that is different than what we believe. We are lazy and don't understand what it means to fight for something we believe in because all of our beliefs are built off of things we see on social media or the news. But have you ever really thought about where this whole failing starting?
To me the answer is simple: society. We are living in a world that is being destroyed by the generations that have come before us that made their way into power. Are we really failures? Have you looked to see what generation is sitting in Congress asking to be paid millions on dollars to pass laws that make sure we don't have the opportunity to overpower them? They are cutting education while filling their pockets. To make it worse we didn't have a say in this like many of you think we did. Millennials weren't even old enough to vote in many of the big men who are controlling the world we live in. From the very beginning we have been told to conform to what these people have put on the media. We have had the mentality bred into us that try as you might to change the world, but you'll go nowhere. We are self-righteous people who have lost track of what truly matters and have no idea bout what's going on in this world we grace our presence with.
This isn't all of us though. Some of us are working so hard to change our own lives and those around us. We are inventing things, saving people, and fighting for a cause that deserves a voice in a silent world. But it's hard to make a difference nowadays. Actually, it is the exact opposite. People are praised for holding the door for an elderly woman at the local Wal-Mart. The news glorifies and alters stories to put fear or rage into the heart of a nation. I dare you to turn on the news and not hear something bad that will cause an outrage that is really unnecessary. We are brainwashed.
We hear stories from our parents of things they did when they were kids. Now, those are some crazy stories! Have you ever thought though about how that if you did some of the same stuff you would have a criminal record and possibly face jail time with some of the offenses? To me this is a huge issue. Many of the people who make the rules that suppress, are the ones who committed them and don't want the next generation to make the same mistakes. Well, we are but now instead of the cop driving us home, we are cuffed and photographed. Something small now ruins us. Don't get me wrong, I think rules are needed because not every mistake needs to go without punishment. But they are going too far.
Millennials, it is time we stand up and get these old, uptight men out of government. It's time to put rules on them and take our world back. We will no longer bear the weight of their mistakes. We will make this world a better place. They are trying to take our education so we can't outsmart them; we can't let this happen. We can't afford to keep being a generation of failures, we must be a generation of fighters.