My 'Game Of Thrones' Predictions
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My 'Game Of Thrones' Predictions

A lot has to happen in the last 20 episodes. A whole lot...

My 'Game Of Thrones' Predictions

Game of Thrones is back and I couldn't be more excited! Statistically speaking, you are also not-so-patiently awaiting the summer premier of GoT season 7. With there only being two remaining seasons left, it is difficult to imagine how the directors are going to fit all of the necessary details into only 20 episodes...

First of all, Khaleesi needs to make it to the Capitol, where Cersei now wears the crown after she murdered basically everyone in the city. That's going to be an interesting line to follow, especially taking into consideration the woodland witch's vision about the queen's death. Everyone assumes Tyrian will be the one to fulfill the prophecy, but I wouldn't be so sure...

There is also Arya's series-long journey back home to Winterfell. My eyes water just at the thought of her, Sansa, John and Bran being reunited once more. Arya has spent most of her journey home training under some of the best fighters in Westeros- so needless to say, she will be a little Betty badass in the wars to come. She still has her list of people to kill, and one of the people on that list is Cersei. If I were Cersei, I'd prefer death by pretty much anyone else- even Daenerys and her fire-breathing dragons. Remember, Arya made Walder Frey eat his own sons before she slit his throat.

That'd be a hard choice. Death by a fire-breathing dragon, or death by bleeding out. After eating your own sons for dinner. I'll get back to you on that one.

Sansa. Poor, sweet, innocent Sansa. She is the most tragic character, in my opinion. Everything under the sun has happened to her, and still, she continues to do what she is told. Speak when told to do so. Shut up when told to do so. The last we saw of her, she was hatching up a sneaky, idiotic plan with Littlefinger of all people, because he told her to do so. The same man that presented her to Ramsay like a piece of meat. Something in my gut tells me that she is going to make a huge mistake and that she will suffer greatly because of it. She is going to try to claim Winterfell as hers and hers alone and it is going to get her killed, or worse.

Beyond the Wall, Bran has become the Three-Eyed Raven. He now knows everything. He is going to have a huge role in the War. Especially since he knows the truth about Jon Snow.

I haven't even gotten to Jon Snow (Jon Stark? Jon Targaryen?) He is the new King in the North, uniting the Lords of the North with the Men of the Wall and the Wildlings to fight the Army of the Dead, who bring the winter and death with them. He is one of the only people living that has seen and fought a White Walker. Not that it matters, most people- especially southerners like the new Queen Cersei- don't believe in the existence of White Walkers. But they are very real, and nothing else- no petty war or code of honor or claim to any throne- matters except keeping the Seven Kingdoms safe from them. Every corpse that goes unburned is guaranteed to become a White Walker. Once you are a Walker, nothing can get in your way from causing that most damage- and killing the most people- possible.

People tend to think that Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire is about Khaleesi and Jon together. That they are going to eventually find each other and join forces and take over the world together. But that can't happen. This is Game of Thrones, George R. R. that we're talking about! He couldn't even give us Hodor, do you really think he's going to give us Daenerys and Jon, brother and sister duo, creating peace in Westeros and living in harmony in the capital?

Here is what I think, and as a feminist and a die-hard Daenerys supporter, it kills me to say this. But I think Jon is going to reign victorious. The series is namesake, he is a song of ice and fire. He is the fiery blood of the dragon and the coldness of Winterfell all rolled up into one. Only he can protect the kingdoms from Cersei's wildfire, from Khaleesi's wild dragons, and from the Army of the Dead all at once.

Only time will tell if I am right or not. Nothing will make me happier than being wrong. I would love to seeSansa work beside Jon instead of opposing him for control of Winterfell. I would love to see Daenerys kill Cersei and take Winterfell like she always planned. Likewise, I would love to see Arya kill Cersei to complete her list and avenge her family. I would love for Bran to save the kingdoms before the War even begins and for Jon Snow to find out the truth about his family without destroying Westeros beforehand. I am deeply emotionally invested in these character's lives and I want them to be successful (yes, even Cersei) and after Hodor, I don't think I can take another catastrophic and sudden death. But I know it will happen. I had just better prepare myself.

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