I’m not sure what I’m doing with my life. Since I was in eighth grade, I thought I had my life all set – I had back surgery at Shriner’s Hospital in Spokane, and from that point on I thought it was going to be smooth sailing. I wanted more than anything to be a nurse. I wanted to work with kids!
As I worked my way through college, I realized that nursing just wasn’t for me. I always wanted to help people, I just didn’t realize how much I disliked the science part of it. Then, I switched to Elementary Education –not for me either. Finally, at the end of freshman year, I realized that social work was something I was passionate about, especially mental health or working with the elderly.
Ever since I changed my major to social work, I’ve never looked back. I love my social work classes so much! With every class I take, it solidifies why I want to be a social worker. But with that, I have no idea what area of social work I want to work in. No idea whatsoever.
I’ve never really had that much experience in different areas of social work, so that may be why I haven’t found what I love yet. I don’t know where I’m going to do my internship next year or anything. I don’t even know what I’m going to do after college, and I’m a junior.
I know I’m not the only one, but it’s definitely hard when there are so many different areas of social work that I could pursue. I could work in mental health, with the elderly, with kids, with families, and so much more. Maybe it’d be easier if there weren’t so many career choices ahead of me!
It really stressed me out – I don’t have much time left at all to get it figured out! There’s so many different factors that go into it – where I want to live, the job I get, the relationship I’m in, and more. I don’t even know if I’ll be good at social work, I’m just hoping so.
I feel like it’s an expectation that I should have an idea of what I want to do when I graduate college. It’s extremely hard! This is something that I will hopefully be doing for a very long time, and I want to enjoy the work that I do, so it is important to me.
I know I’ll be able to do it, eventually. It may take some time, but I’ll get there. For now, I’ll just keep trying to learn and experience as much as I can about each area that I am interested in.