"Hey! Hey! Do you remember me? I'm your friend from college!!"
"Hey this is Kaleigh! Your friend from college!"
These are only a few of the things my friends say back and forth to each other on a daily basis.
My friend from college is a great one. Even though we only live a few floors away from each other, my friend from college is one that I can count on at any time of the day, no matter what it's about.
We text on a 24/7 basis when were not together. Again, she lives only a few floors away. Not only that, but we know practically everything about one another. There's always one person who you just click with and have the ability to tell everything and anything to, that's my friend from college.
Of course, we both have our separate friends back home, the ones we also talk to on a daily basis. Of course, we've known our friends from home for a much longer time and we've been through more with them. But having a friend from college is about sharing all those experiences from back home, telling funny or embarrassing stories, and more importantly, taking on college at the same time.
It is a different kind of meaningful that's different from the best friends at home. It's someone who you can lean on when classes get tough, practice was hard, or your roommates make you want to launch your body off of a building.
My friend from college is one who makes college worth not being homesick all the time, or constantly wanting to sit in the room since that always seems better than going out.