My Five Worst Vacation Horror Stories | The Odyssey Online
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My Five Worst Vacation Horror Stories

Sometimes our trips don't always go as planned.

My Five Worst Vacation Horror Stories

Going on vacation is one of the most relaxing and look forwarded time in our lives. Getting time off from our everyday lives and doing whatever we want with our time makes for some of the greatest memories. However, every once in awhile vacations can quickly take a turn for the worse. Here are my five worst vacation horror stories.

1. Ending Up In The Hospital

When I studied abroad in Costa Rica I had the time of my life. I met some really awesome people, traveled a lot, and made some memories I'll never forget. However one morning I woke up super sick to my stomach and ended up in the hospital. It was scary to end up in the hospital while being so far away from my family.

2, Late Flights, A Lost Passport, and A Lost Boarding Pass

On my way back from Costa Rica the summer before my senior year of high school all of my flights ended up being delayed. This was my first time traveling alone so it was extremely stressful. On top of all of that I lost my passport and boarding pass. Luckily, I was in the US already come when I lost them so I had no problem going through customs.

3. Hotel Horror

When I studied abroad in Peru I had a one night layover in Cancun. I looked up hotels near the airport to find a room so I wouldn't have to sleep in the airport. Everything looked find on the internet but once I got there it was anything but great. For one it wasn't actually in a hotel area but rather a house in a residential area. Secondly once I got there I couldn't figure out how to get the key out of the lock box and they never sent me the password. Even worse none of the amenities worked in the room. The TV didn't work, the wifi didn't work, and the water coming out of the shower and sinks were brown. I've never stayed in such an awful place before. When the morning came I couldn't wait to get the heck out of there!

4. Almost Getting Kidnapped In Downtown Cancun

When I was on vacation in Cancun with my mom for Christmas in 2016 I got separated from her and ended up walking alone downtown. While I was walking a taxi driver pulled up and started talking to me. He asked me if I needed help and I told him no. He wouldn't leave me alone and tried forcing me into his car. Luckily for me a lady came across us and forced the man off me. It was one of the scariest moments of my life.

5. Hanging Out Alone On The Beach For A Week Because My Friends Got Too Sunburnt The First Day

While this one isn't as nearly as dramatic or scary as the others it was still a pretty rough time. My sophomore year of college I went on vacation to South Padre for spring break. I went with two of my roommates and they ended up getting so sunburnt the first day that they barely wanted to spend time outside. While it's totally understandable it sucked sitting on the beach alone because my friends weren't feeling well enough to be outside.

What are some of your worst vacation stories? Let me know in the comment section!

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