Every freshman coming into college is nervous about what’s going to happen because you have no clue what to expect. I know I didn’t. When I came to college, I was nervous because it was different surroundings, new people and something completely different from what I was used to. As I got there I knew that it would be tough at first because I was meeting new people, getting used to living away from home, and having a lot of work to do. As the months would go by, I hoped everything would get better and I would find my place here. That is exactly what I did.
The first semester was interesting because I was just meeting people and getting to know my way around because college is so much different from high school. At first I was so lost but within a matter of days I knew my way around campus like the back of my hand. Continuing into the year I began to find a group of people that enjoyed hanging out with all time. They were like my best friends at first, but the people you meet at first don’t always turn out to be the ones that stay. Everyone that I met was cool but I didn’t find my core group till second semester.
As the months went by school began to get easier and my friends grew on me but all in different ways. I found my niche in school and found things that I enjoyed. At my school there really isn’t much to do, especially on the weekends, so we made our own fun. As the semester came to end I found myself in a place between a lot of people and what I wanted to do with my life. First semester turned out the way I thought it would. I found out what college is really like and new what I could do to make it even better. When second semester came around I hoped it would be better.
As I came back from winter break, I knew that I wanted to make this semester different. Our semester started out with a big snowstorm that closed the school for a few days and locked everyone in their dorms. This gave me the opportunity to meet a group of people that I would never forget and change my semester for the better. A squad developed of guys and girls that made the best memories. These girls are like my sisters and I can share anything with and the guys crack me up and can cheer me up at the drop of a hat. These friends are people that I know I will stay in touch with for a long time.
As the semester went on, I knew my way around school and how to do my work and manage to pass all of my classes. My friends and I always did fun stuff and new how to make something fun out of anything. We all had our own thing but would always end in the same place. Along with friends, this semester I even managed to meet a guy who would later become my boyfriend. A giant bear can go a long way with a girl. The semester went by so fast but was filled with so much fun that I wouldn’t ever forget it.
My first year of college came and went like that. It was filled with its share of ups and downs and memories and moments that I will truly never forget. I found my classes interesting, and discovered that I truly love my major and can’t wait to pursue it. I met a lot of people that I became friends with but was able to meet my core group of people that I will be friends with forever. So much has changed over the course of just nine months. Those changes though impact my life for the worse and for the better and made me the person that I am now. I am so thankful for the way my first year of college turned out and I wouldn’t change anything about it.