My first week here at Missouri State has been so much fun! My classes aren't too terrible yet, my job is going well and I'm making lots of friends. The Thursday before classes started, my roommate and I slipped notes under our neighbors' doors and we made some new best friends. Shoutout to Bradley, Chris, Anna, Corey and Alex, thank goodness they put us at the end of the hall.
My classes started on Monday but I only had one class and it was just a zoom call and then I walked over to Glass hall and started my front desk job. It was a relatively easy day with school. My best friends, Colby and Ayla came up that evening and we went to dinner and ran some errands. When you put us three together, we're a force to be reckoned with, that's for sure!
Tuesday I got to attend my first seated classes and I had 3 of them. My GEP class and teacher are absolutely phenomenal, I enjoy getting up early to attend his class. I also got to go to sociology, which I am still kinda skeptical about but I think it'll help me out in the long run. We ended up getting out of that class like half an hour early that day so that was a saving grace. My mom and sister came up and we went shopping before my next class which was at 4. That class is definitely one of my favorites too. The professor is a super fun guy so it makes me want to learn and really pay attention in class. Mom came back after that class and took me out to dinner, we ate at Longhorn which we had never been before and I was actually thoroughly impressed. After that, she took my sister and me to Orange Leaf and then took me back to campus.
Wednesday was a relatively busy day, I had a class at 10, a Lab at noon, work at 1 and another class at 2:30 so that was a little hectic. I went to 2 new classes that day so it was just more getting to know new people and the syllabus. Other than that, I didn't do much. I had to go to bed early for my 8 am class the next day.
On Thursday, my GEP class had decided that we all come to class in our pajamas and with our hair in buns so that's what a good handful of us did. I also had another round of sociology, which I am still not sure about and had to go to work again. We also stayed up super super late on Thursday just having a good time and our neighbor stayed the night in our room so it was a good time.
Friday morning I had to get up and go to work at 9 (and I had only been asleep since 4:15 am) so it was a little tough to get myself out of bed. After work on Friday, I was free for the rest of the day so I asked my friend Sydney what she was doing that night and she said nothing so she came up and we had such a good time that evening. We also ended up running into some old friends so it was good to be with them again.
I ended up going home that weekend to see my family and give them the rundown of my week but I am glad that I am finally getting this college experience and making new friends along the way.