If someone asked me to improvise jokes on the spot, I would start laughing. Well actually, I would first start with jokes I find funny. But, the funniest part would be that they wouldn't be funny at all to anyone else. Now that would make me laugh even harder and everyone else would feel even more uncomfortable. Remember that scene of Jonah Hill performing slam poetry in 22 jump street? That's an accurate representation of what it would be. It would simply just be my friends and I laughing uncontrollably, no wait, uncomfortably at each other.
However, this was not the case for the actresses in the NYU Bechdel Test Troupe. Watching this all-female comedy group on a Saturday night was one of the best hours spent at NYU. Not only did these women exemplify what it means to be comfortable in your own skin, but these ladies also spewed hilarious jokes over common topics that most of us are afraid to say out loud. These women showed us that we are all so similar in the best way possible. The show began with actresses performing a scene and incorporating random words the audience wrote out. For instance, imagine this:
It's a 10-year high school reunion. Here, two women are in the bathroom reflecting on marriages, high school football players, and careers. Gossiping is still a normality in the women's locker room. The conversation is going well, but an artist's name must be incorporated into the scene without breaking character. How? I wouldn't know either. But, they did it. The artist's name because a lover's name and it felt like it was all part of the script. I mean haven't we all dated a man named Vincent van Gogh?
The latter of the show included a sketch on a makeup tutorial. This sketch resembled a youtube tutorial video gone wrong and I couldn't tell you the feeling of wanting to subscribe to a hilarious, yet nonexistent, channel. The three actresses were playing 7-year-olds who stated the most important tips to feel like your best self.
1. Find concealer darker than your face, obviously.
2. Put blush on your lips, only.
3. Draw your eyebrows. Not on your eyebrows, but everywhere else.
4. Now, because you're 7 years old and not allowed to wear makeup, take it all off with makeup remover for at least an hour. Because that's how long it should take, right?
I don't think I've ever laughed so hard because it made me realize that this is how girls believe the procedure of makeup to be. As you grow older, it's funny because the days we choose to not wear makeup are now our favorite days. My, have the tables have turned.
With this show, I was able to ask actress, Jaryn Stewart, a few questions in order to gain a better understanding as to what it takes to remain in character without laughing alongside the audience.
What is the best part about being a member of this comedy club?
The best part is being surrounded by some of the funniest people (who just happen to be women). I laugh harder than I have ever before and it's fantastic. The NYU comedy community is so supportive of one another and this club serves as a much-needed outlet to balance out the dramatic pieces I perform at the studio.
How do you prepare for a show?
We prep a show by concentrating on improve and sketches separately. We have recently started doing sketch crams to generate ideas and write with one another. Also, after the initial first drafts, we bring the sketches in once again to make sure they are okay and stage them and make necessary changes. For improv, we just practice the form we are going to be doing for the show and rehearse twice a week for two hours at a time.
What have you learned and what do you hope to learn from this experience?
I've learned how amazing it feels to put on a show that is completely generated by the words of your group members and yourself. I've also learned to find the beauty in so-called "mistakes" that occur in an improve scene because these mistakes end up being the funniest part of the set. Improv has taught me to let go and take a breather. In fact, it's served as a way for me to learn how to truly listen to others.
I hope to learn how to continue pushing my boundaries by taking risks. I've noted that commitment is key: commitment to your character, the scenes, and your group members. As my improve teacher says, "if you're not having fun, you're the asshole"
I actually think that rule applies to life in general, no? No matter where life takes you, it's important to laugh off the bad days to prepare for a better tomorrow.
Check out their next upcoming shows and don't forget to like them on Facebook!
Upcoming shows: March 3rd, 2017 and March 25th, 2017 in Kimmel 905/907
Thank you, ladies, for a night of laughter, empowerment, and charisma. Keep making the world laugh!