Thank you.
Thank you for helping me grow as a person. Thank you for helping me come out of my shell. I am now less afraid to speak my mind. You helped me learn how to be more agreeable and adaptable, yet still helped me learn how to stand up for myself.
Thank you for the lessons you taught me:
If you be your true self, you will find true friends.
Being assigned a random roommate could turn out to be one of the best things that happens to you all semester.
Never underestimate what you're capable of. You could surprise yourself.
It's okay to not be liked by everyone, and their opinions don't define you.
Your grades don't define you either.
You are always your biggest critic. Give yourself a break every once in a while.
Yes, you were difficult at times. But, I had a great support system from week one. I am so blessed to have the fantastic friends that I do. I made more friends in the past three months than I did in the three years before that.
So, thank you for helping me continue to grow and learn. I will always remember you, my first semester of college.