Your first semester of college can definitely be tough, and the cast of Dance Moms definitely gets it. Here is my first semester of college, as told by Dance Moms.
1. Walking into classes on the first day like:
Your new favorite student has just arrived!
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2. Seeing how cool (some of) your professors are:
Yes! This one is young, this one is funny, and this one doesn't give a lot of work!
3. Getting to the one class were the professor begins to lecture after going over the syllabus...
Uh... Hello? It's day 1, it's not supposed to work like this?
4. Those obnoxious kids in the back who never shut up during a lecture:
Sometimes the side comments are funny, but you're trying way too hard. The rest of us are trying to focus.
5. When the second week of school rolls around and the political debates start and some people have these types of attitudes:
Can we please take a moment of silence for those too stubborn (sometimes just too ignorant) to listen to someone else's opinion.
6. When the midway point of the semester hits and you give up:
7. When your professors start canceling classes:
I've been waiting for this moment from the first day of classes.
8. When the professor lets you pick your partner for a project and the only person you like in the class picks someone else:
*DJ Khaled voice* You smart, but you not loyal... I don't appreciate that.
9. Wait, we have a test today?
I thought he said next week not next class?!
10. When your professor finishes the lesson with fifteen minutes remaining and starts the next lesson instead of letting you leave early:
"But professor, we're not gonna remember this by the next class! Please let us leave early!"
11. When you're so over your 9 a.m. class and really just wish the professor would cancel for once:
Also known as no longer having any will to force yourself to get out of bed to go...
12. When there's a few weeks of class left and now all of the sudden the professor wants to pile on the work:
Oh okay, I see. No homework for a month and a half, but two papers due in a week and a group project due on the day the second paper is due. Okay, I see the logic.
13. On the last day of classes:
Finally, after three months of this torture I truly deserve this break.
14. Remembering you can't celebrate being done with classes because you have six finals to worry about:
Haha... Oh yeah, finals. Haha... I hate college.
15. After seven hours of studying for a final:
Refreshing your memory on stuff you learned about thirty lessons ago can be a huge drag.
16. The glorious after finals feeling; just looking forward to napping.
After all those tests and studying, you deserve it!