My first love was in high school. It was an amazing relationship which blossomed over the time we had together. His name was Santiago. He was from Medellin, Colombia and I met him through a series of events when his host family moved to my high school. I started to notice his genuine heart during our Junior Year Hike. We were encouraged to get to know someone in the class whom we had not yet encountered on a deeper level. He told me about his family life in Colombia and his love for soccer. I was inspired by his passion for life and his enthusiasm for his new walk with Christ.As time passed, mutual feelings developed and our relationship began in our senior year. There is nothing in this world that compares to the first time you experience love. I suppose some would say that at that age, love means something different. Perhaps that is true, but I know to this day that our relationship was something special. We had our own song. We had secret words and jokes. It was the first time I could start to understand why everyone is so wrapped up in fairy tales. I certainly felt like I had one of my own. I don't believe you fall in love, I believe you fall for the person and then grow in love. He was my best friend before everything else. That is how every relationship should be. I would not have wanted to share my senior memories with anyone else. From championships against our rival school to nationals and MVP awards, we cheered for each other on the field and court. I was truly his number one fan in every way. It was an amazing time for us. Supporting one another is always important in every relationship. I was never a super-fan of soccer until I started dating a soccer player and I started to appreciate the game and his talents in a new light. It was so fun to learn about new things because of the person I was growing closest to.
Then our adventures continued in Puerto Rico when our class went on a missions trip. That was when my love for him hit me hard. I got to watch him give his testimony in front of the people there. God truly spoke through him. His ability to speak in their native tongue did wonders for him to speak to their hearts. I knew that God had big plans for him and with all the uncertainties ahead I was happy to be part of his journey, no matter the length. Being able to see God given gifts in someone you care for is such an incredible bond.
Graduation came around and after the celebrations ended, reality set in. We realized that we were going to college thousands of miles apart. We understood the possibilities and that the odds were not in our favor. We decided to try the long distance thing and for a while we were fine. It seems in a lot of high school couples, you have two options: break up before heading to college or try to make it work and see where things go.
We were both getting settled in our new environments and working hard in our studies. Both being college athletes, our schedules did not seem to match up very well. It came down to the fact that we didn't have much time for each other and we had so much on our plates to focus on. Four years was a long time to be apart. We decided that the best decision in our situation was to end our relationship. It certainly was not an easy decision. I will always cherish the time we had together and have a special place in my heart for him.
He was my first love. It was real. We still keep in touch and will always wish the best for each other. The truth is that God is writing our love stories, not either of us. Who knows what lies ahead? Not me. To be truthful and honest, I still miss him and I still think of him. I think we are both comfortable with where we are and how we have moved on but he was certainly a big part of my life for over a year and I just miss the person I know he was and is today. I was blessed to have had a wonderful first love story and that the ending was peaceful and understanding. It was certainly one for the storybooks! I realize that most couples don't have the same story, but I think most can agree that there is something special about the first person who stole your heart.
So if you ever read this, Santiago, thank you for everything. Blessings to you! And for the record, I still believe God has more in store for you than you could ever imagine. I'm proud of the man you are. Remember me when you go pro! Best wishes!