To whoever is actually taking time out of their busy schedules to read this, welcome to my first blog, where you will learn a little bit about myself.
For starters, my names Gabbi, and I'm 19 years old. I've always loved to write and I've been wanting to start blogging for a while now, but I never really gave myself time to actually sit down and write about who knows what... which is a little odd given that I have absolutely no life and spend majority of my free time watching Netflix or sleeping. (I'm kidding)... kinda.
In all honesty, I've been just a bit nervous to start this whole thing up... thinking to myself, "would anyone actually read this?" or "what if I offend someone with my writing?" and just other things along those lines that may question anyone from wanting to start a blog. But, I've decided to come out of my comfort zone and make a fresh start to something new but at the same time something I enjoy doing. And quite frankly, I don't care if people don't read my posts and I don't care if I offend anyone.
As I get deeper into this particular post I'm finding harder to write because I typically don't like blabbing about myself to a group of people who I may or may not know, and also... my life isn't really all that interesting (wow what a surprise!)
It's probably important to note that although I'm typically very quiet about my opinions and beliefs, I'm still passionate about them, so, if you follow my posts you may be able to see more into that in the future. (now would be a good time to exit this tab and never search my name on this site EVER again) No, but seriously, writing about things that are important to me is one of my biggest passions, and i hope to continue this passion in the future.
I honestly feel like I did really crappy introducing myself so i guess I could list some facts about myself that aren't exactly what people would call interesting but they are facts that will help you get to know me better so let's not complain.
1, Probably the most important fact of them all- I am obsessed with chocolate milk...
2. My friends mean the world to me and I would do anything in the world for them- They still don't beat the milk though... sorry guys I still love y'all
3. I'm just a tad bit lazy...
4. I lied in the third fact... I'm extremely lazy
5. I'm running out of facts so last and definitely least... I have no idea what I'm actually doing with my life if I'm being 100% honest...
I realize these facts are a bit strange but I suck at talking about myself, so I am sorry. Hopefully I didn't stray you away with my not so interesting post, they will get better.
Also, congrats to whoever made it this far, ya'll are the real MVP'S because if I were you I would've thrown my phone, laptop or whatever y'all read off of out the window by now. Anyways, happy reading everyone! :)