As a college student, I have an obligation to Netflix binge. Being in college for two years now has given me the chance to watch many seasons instead of being productive and study. That does not mean I did not study at all, I promise I did. It is hard to maintain a 3.5 GPA and not study! However, I did have my fair share of Netflix binging. In my article this week, I want to talk about my top three favorite series on Netflix.
1. "Frasier"
"Frasier" is the spin-off show of Cheers starring Kelsey Grammer. It follows him after he leaves Boston to start his new life in Seattle. This is an older show that ran from 1993-2004, but it is hilarious. Frasier (Kelsey Grammer) is a physiatrist who has his own talk radio show in Seattle. He lives a fabulous life, but he has some mishaps along the way. He is sometimes self-centered and likes things done the way he likes them. This show made me laugh in my dorm room from the very start and made me want to cry when I saw that I was on my last episode. There are so many ups and downs throughout the show and when watching if you find yourself rooting for so many different things to happen and you can’t wait to see what happens in the next episode! I really suggest this series for someone who wants a laugh!
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2. "Army Wives"
Talk about a show that can get your heart pumping and the tears flowing! This series takes you to Fort Marshall Army Base in Charleston, South Carolina where you get to see inside lives of Army wives. In this series I found myself staying up until 3:00 a.m. watching this show. There are so many cliffhangers that I don’t know what I would have done if I started watching this show when it was running. On Netflix we have the luxury of no commercials, and when one season is over the next one begins! I’m pretty sure I would have gone crazy if I watched this show while it was running. If you watch this series, (and I really suggest that you do), prepare to have the tissue box ready!
3. "Glee"
I’m sure you all remember the first episode of "Glee," the one where everyone sings Journey’s hit song, "Don’t Stop Believing!" But for those of you who didn’t finish the series let me just tell you that you missed out! It is so amazing! I find myself singing the songs or comparing my friends to the characters on the show pretty much all the time. And if you don’t want a gay best friend like Kurt or Blaine, then something must be wrong. I have stayed up watching "Glee" for hours and sometimes even making my boyfriend watch it with me. He even asks me for "Glee" updates when we haven’t watched the show together for a while! Needless to say, the show is very addicting. There is almost nothing like it, which is rare to find. So for those who are wanting to find something awesome to watch, maybe you should start the "Glee" Netflix-binge!
These are my top three favorite series on Netflix, and I hope that you can either enjoy them as much as I have or tell me what your favorite shows are!