As many students do, I have a few places I really enjoying studying (a.k.a places I go with the intention of studying but never end up studying because procrastination is a real problem). Here are the top five.
1. Cafe / Coffee Shop
My absolute favorite place to study is in a cafe or coffee shop. I really dislike silence when I am studying; I need background noise to be able to focus. A cafe or coffee shop provides the perfect amount of background noise for me. It’s not silent, but I am not distracted by peoples’ conversations either. (Plus, there is always the option of getting something to drink or something to eat for a quick pick me up!)
2. Library
I feel lucky I have lots of libraries to choose from where I live because I also enjoy studying there. Something about being surrounded by books makes me want to be more studious.
3. Class
I am motivated by people around me all the time, so for me, studying in an environment full of students (like one of my classes) keeps me on task and focused. I often do this when my teacher finishes the lesson early, and we have extra time to do whatever we would like.
4. My House
My favorite part of studying at home is I can get a snack (or two, or three, or fifty, or an entire meal with soupand salad) any time I want. However, I always refrain from studying on my bed because there have been too many days where I wake up 30 minutes before school starts, disoriented on my bed, with none of my homework completed.
5. Outside
If the weather is nice, I love being outside to read/annotate something for one of my classes. I usually find a patch of grass to lie down on to read (but make sure there are no bugs).