You have probably heard of the Passion conference, thanks to Carrie Underwood's surprise performance, but if you haven't, it was a huge gathering of college-aged believers to worship God. It was an amazing three days. These are my highlights. (And, no, Carrie Underwood is not one of them. She is amazing, but honestly, she is, shockingly enough, not what my mind keeps going back to over and over again.)
1. Having Three Distraction Free Days of Focusing on God
The best part of any conference, camp, revival, etc. is simply being able to get away from all the distractions of outside life. You are surrounded by other believers and totally focused on God for the length of the event.
2. Being Surrounded by Other Believers
The amazing fellowship with other believers were incredible. I got to reconnect with my church family and enjoy being around them.
3. The Worship
Singing praises to God in an arena filled with tens of thousands of people was amazing. There were multiple moments when I looked around and thought, "Man. This is a foretaste of Heaven, and I am more excited about Heaven than ever before."
4. The Speakers
Listening to John Piper, Francis Chan, and Levi Lusko read and teach biblical application was without a doubt one of my favorite things.
5. Free Study Bible
I am a Bible hoarder. I love having multiple study Bibles and translations. I am reading from a new Bible ever few months, so being given the Jesus Bible made me so excited. It also helped me get ahead on my Bible reading for the year. It helps me connect the hard and/or boring parts to the overarching story easier.
Overall, Passion was a great three days of learning about God. I had a few small parts of it I wasn't crazy about, but these highlights took up most my attention for that time. I am also excitedly looking forward to going back next year.