How True Crime Podcasts Became My New Binge | The Odyssey Online
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How True Crime Podcasts Became My New Binge

I'm giving a first hand look into my favorite true crime podcasts and how they're getting me ready for my career.

How True Crime Podcasts Became My New Binge
My Favorite Murders

As an upcoming psychology major who plans to become a Forensic Psychologist, I have some interests that are strange to some. I love learning about the criminal mind, true crime, and all that goes along with it. As I was talking about my future plans with the mother of a friend of mine, she brought up a true crime podcast that she likes to listen to, and I immediately was fascinated. I'm not really a podcast listener, or at least I didn't used to be, but now I'm obsessed.

The podcast that she got me hooked on, "My Favorite Murder" with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark, is my new favorite binge. The dynamic duo of witty and badass women makes for an easy listen, and a very interested me. Their unique voices along with the profanity and the setup for their show makes it easy to get lost in episode after episode of the ladies' "favorite murders" and the hometown stories. Besides all the murder talk, the way they're able to throw comedy and profanity into what is such gruesome subject at times is what makes it even better. I'm about 20 episodes in, and I've even submitted two of my own hometown stories because I'm already a committed "murderino" for as long as they keep making their podcast.

Stemming from my constant listening to of MFM, I discovered the next podcast that I'm going to talk about. After the MFM women raving about "Last Podcast on The Left," I knew I had to give it a listen. The combined voices of Henry Zebrowski, Marcus Parks, and Ben Kissel spew out conversations about everything from serial killers, ghosts, and hauntings to conspiracy theories and stories from CreepyPasta. The crude adult jokes, profanity, and many, many laughs are what make this podcast greatly addicting. However, some of the humor definitely crosses a line that some people can't handle, so beware of that if you plan on listening. However, these guys definitely do their research, so you can get all the facts possible. They make it easy to follow. Anyone with a dark sense of humor and a love for true crime can get into this podcast and find their new binge as well.

As for me, there is a learning element and also an analytical element to the stories these two podcasts discuss, which I know will be helpful in my future endeavors in the forensic psychology world. Both podcasts will dive into the pasts of the killers, along with the crimes, when discussing cases, which is what interests me the most.

If you love true crime like me, I definitely recommend these podcasts, both of which can be found on Apple Podcasts! For non-iPhone users, you can listen to "Last Podcast on the Left" on SoundCloud at the link down below, and "My Favorite Murder" can be found on PodBay at the link underneath the first!

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