"My Favorite Murder" is hosted by two comical women, Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark. The two produce every episode at one of their homes, and pretty much just discuss murders. Every episode, they dive into details of a murder case they had researched that week. Sometimes they will follow a theme, or they will talk about a random weird case.
Now, before you think this is crazy and absurd, know that there's more to it than a fascination for true crime. Karen and Georgia do much more than tell scary true stories of the World's Worst.
From listening to "My Favorite Murder," I have not only learned some gruesome horror stories of people, but I have also learned to become self-aware. It's not strange to have a fascination with the macabre and abnormal minds of twisted people; it's a fascination that someone can think in such a way. I struggle to wrap my head around the fact that there are so many perverse people in the world that have a sickening chemical imbalance that can cause them to commit such heinous acts. But from all these horrific stories, I have listened and observed how to protect myself.
Many young women are at a high risk of falling victim to crimes, and it's quite unfortunate that we must watch our backs. But nonetheless, it's always good to know your surroundings. Karen and Georgia have taught me what to do in a suspenseful situation and how I can help others in danger. Being observant not only protects yourself but also the backs of others. You shouldn't sit back and wait for another to come to your rescue.
Be your own hero. Never fall victim to the bystander effect and expect another to leap forward. You can do it too. If ever in the position where someone needs immediate attention, do not hesitate to step forward to save their lives and your own.
Thanks to Karen and Georgia, I feel empowered to be a woman who isn't afraid to fight back and defend myself. Always observe your surroundings and be alert because you never know what could happen. "My Favorite Murder" is the best part of my daily routine as I drive, get ready in the morning, or just relax. This podcast is so much more than despicable true crimes, it's a life lesson podcast about being formidable in today's dark world.
Go listen to one episode of "My Favorite Murder" and I promise you'll be hooked on these women's hilarious commentary and intriguing stories.
And finally, stay sexy and don't get murdered.