My Favorite Christmas Movies | The Odyssey Online
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My Favorite Christmas Movies

"Just remember the true spirit of Christmas lies in your heart"

My Favorite Christmas Movies
Brittany Hassell

I already wrote about my favorite Christmas songs, so obviously I had to write about my favorite Christmas movies as well.

I love to curl up in my pajamas and fuzzy Christmas socks on the couch next to the tree and turn on the TV to watch some good 'ol classic Christmas movies. Oh! Don't forget a mug of hot chocolate and maybe a candy cane to nibble on.

Sometimes I like to put them on in the background when friends or family are over to add some extra festiveness to things like wrapping or opening presents or baking cookies.

Christmas movies just make me so excited and, as cliche as it sounds, it makes you believe Christmas magic could be real.

I will warn you though that this list doesn't include "Elf" or "A Christmas Story", so don't get your panties in a bunch and come to me saying "How could you!? Those are the best Christmas movies ever!". I just don't enjoy them. Everyone has their own opinions and I respect that, so hopefully you can be courteous of mine and still check out this list of my favorite Christmas movies!

1. "Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town" (1970)

"Buger Meister Meister Buger! Look what I found on your front stoop!" It gets me every time. I really like this type of animation, and it's also a musical so of course I'm going to love it. I mean, talk about a classic, it's been around for a while and they always play it on TV. It's a perfect little story of how Santa came to be. I like hearing different takes on that matter.

2. "The Santa Clause" 1-3 (1994-2006)

All three movies are amazing. Time Allen is great too which makes these movies so funny. This story of how Santa came to be makes it so that the story could kind of exist in reality...I mean, besides things like a flying sled and reindeer, thousand year old elves, and everything taking place on the North Pole.

3. "Frosty Returns" (1992)

Such a cute cartoon. It's a TV short so the movie is about a half hour long. My favorite scene is when the little girl, Holly, shoves Frosty in her fridge to stay cool. It has been mistaken for the follow up to "Frosty The Snowman" which was aired in 1969 but the animation is completely different and so are the characters.

4. "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" (2000)

I prefer this way more than the cartoon version. Jim Carrey is always great. The real question is, is there a tutorial on how to achieve Cindy Loo Hoo's hair? To be completely honest, it's not my absolute favorite movie but I always seem to end up watching it every year so it made it to my list.

5. "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and the Island of Misfit Toys" (2001)

I do appreciate (and also end up watching every year) the original Rudolph movie that came out before this one, but who doesn't love the island of misfit toys song?

6. "The Polar Express" (2004)

Wow. Words can't express how much I love this movie. Everything about it is perfect. It has great songs, Tom Hanks plays literally every character, the animation looks so real, and if this movie doesn't convince you that Santa and The Polar Express is real then you have no soul. I think this is the only Christmas movie I actually own, so every year I avoid watching it when it comes on TV and on Christmas Eve night I force anyone in my house at the time to sit down and watch it with me. If I had to describe this movie in one word it would be magical. Definitely number one, favorite Christmas movie and that's why I saved it for last.

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