I first joined 4-H when I was 8 years old with my very first dog. I was extremely nervous to meet a new group of people and was very shy. A girl who was in my girl scout troop joined the 4-H group with me so we always sat together. It was a large group of people that were extremely welcoming. I have always been a huge dog person, so going to training was fun. There are a certain amount of meeting you are required to go to each year, but I went to every single one I could attend. When it came down to show time, I was too nervous to actually show my first year.
There are many external activities. My club did big bonfires each year and a pool party. I got involved in my second year and my friend and I became the recreation leaders of the club. We planned games and crafts to do each meeting after. That was how we became very close with a lot of people. My 4-H club quickly became like a second family to me. Once a week we would meet to train with our dogs and it made the bond between me and my dog much closer. When it came down to showing, we finally tested the waters.
There are a bunch of different types of shows. Fun shows are hosted throughout the summer by each county and are full of different events. People from the surrounding counties usually attend but there are no requirements for it. Then, there are county shows. With county shows, you have to place in any event to be able to go to the state fair. Only the people in your county can attend. Then, finally, there is the state fair. People in the dog project all throughout the state come to show and whoever wins in particular events, that is who is the best in the entire state that year.
Within the dog shows, there are a bunch of different events. The first is You and Your Dog. You make a presentation about a certain topic and explain it to a judge. They then ask a random variance between a bunch of questions that are released each year. It is important to study the questions so you are able to place well. There is also an obedience class where a judge stands in the middle of the ring and gives you a pattern to follow. Your dog has to stay by your side and perform well without breaking or hearing commands. That is why training is so important. There is also a showmanship class. That is exactly what you see dog shows looking like on TV. The last event I will mention was a Rally class. With Rally, it was just like obedience except for with signs in the ring as opposed to a judge, and you are allowed to talk to your dog as much as you want without pulling on their lead to correct them.
I have made some of my closest friends through 4-H. When my first dog died and we got a new puppy, that is how she was trained. My puppy was trained by only me but now, at 9, she is the best-trained dog I have met. You have to put in a lot of effort to be involved in 4-H but it is very worth it. You make some of your best friends and it is an awesome way to get involved. I eventually became the president of my club and it was a great resume builder.
I highly suggest joining 4-H and putting in the time and effort. I wouldn't trade that time of my life for anything. My mom was very involved as well and it made us grow closer too. It is extremely worth it.