My Experience at H2O: A Local Salon Review | The Odyssey Online
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My Experience at H2O: A Local Salon Review

A review of a local salon for everyone.

My Experience at H2O: A Local Salon Review

When I first moved to Tuscaloosa, I was worried about finding a local hair salon. As it turns out, a lot of students are skeptical of “trying” a new place and are more than willing to travel back home for a hair cut. Luckily, I went on a limb, took many recommendations from locals and tried the salon, H2O.

H2O is located at 1928 7th Street in Tuscaloosa. It is the adorable blue house right down the road from Innisfree Irish Pub. From the moment I walked in the door, I knew it was the salon for me! It is the perfect, southern beauty salon experience with a modern feel. The staff is very welcoming and the music they play is awesome! Most importantly, the work has the overall advantage.

I have had TERRIBLE experiences such as broken off hair from bad color, choppy haircuts and spending too much money. If you can imagine, I was extremely nervous to trust another person to do my hair and hesitant of the cost.

After my first hair appointment, I was very pleased with my new look! The color did not damage my fine, thin hair and the cut was done precisely to my expectations. I started recommending H2O to friends that were weird about finding a local salon like me; they were just as pleased with their results as I was. If there is ever a need for a formal look, H2O also creates beautiful styles for any sorority/fraternity party or special occasion.

Doing hair is not their only expertise; the wax center is great and has SPRING BREAK SPECIALS!! With Spring Break right around the corner, you can’t beat a $35 Brazilian with the exact same wax as the European Wax Center. The price is also altered for groups. This is a perfect idea for friends to get together before Spring Break to get a discounted wax before a fun beach trip.

The salon additionally has wonderful retail with brands like Moroccanoil, Milk Shake, TIGI Cosmetics, and many, many more! I buy all of my hair care products during my visits and I am taught how to style my hair appropriately with the products I purchased!

Next time you are in a bind to go home for a haircut, reconsider trying the local salon, H2O. Never be afraid to try new things and enjoy the convenience of the location, relaxation and suitable prices. I hope you enjoy H2O salon and retail center as much as I have the last four years I have been at the University of Alabama!

H2O Salon & Retail Center

1928 7th St.
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401


SPRING BREAK SPECIAL: $35 Brazilian (also offering group discounts)

Eyebrows: $18
Haircut and Finish Design: $55-
Men’s Haircut: $25
Highlights Partial: $65-
Ombre: $75-

For more prices, visit the website or call today!

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