Do you curl up and smile like a baby when you see a puppy or kitten for the first time? I sure do! I live in an apartment currently that doesn’t allow animals unfortunately, so I think of every excuse possible to go play with an animal. Whether its visiting friends and family who have small animals or visiting Pets Mart on Adoption day! I’m the girl who can’t help but fall in love with those precious fur babies. Well that love multiplied the other day when I had the most incredible opportunity to play with baby tigers! That’s right…real baby tigers!!
So where is this magical place you're wondering? It's called Wildlife in Need in Charlestown, Indiana! The organization is a non profit who "is dedicated to the rehabilitation and release of native species as well as the provision of safe harbor to an array of Ambassadors from exotic and endangered species," according to Wildlife in Need.
Wildlife in Need is an incredible organization who truly cares about the lives of these animals. There are several negative rumors circulating that the owner and staff of Wildlife in Need are abusing the animals and individuals are making horrible accusations. This is absolutely untrue. I would recommend visiting and making your own experience rather than falling into inaccurate and misleading rumors.
Upon entering the facility, I was greeted with the upmost respect from the workers. When asking them questions about their experience and history of Wildlife in Need, they were so passionate and proud to talk about what they do and the positive impact they have made for these animals. It was encouraging to witness their love and attachment they have for every animal at the facility and how well each of them were taken care of.
Once we entered the play area for the Winter Wonderland Tiger Playtime Fundraiser, I immediately fell in love with the animals! They were so playful and active with everyone! The staff members gave out several toys for us to play with the animals, which the tigers loved! You could tell immediately how happy and well taken care of the animals were at the facility. Especially watching the way the animals reacted to the staff on-site, they were so comfortable and satisfied.
We had the opportunity to spend about an hour inside playing with the animals and everyone in the room had the chance to play. The tigers were so soft, lovable and just wanted to cuddle with all of the humans. It was seriously too precious. The staff members made sure everyone in the room were having an enjoyable experience and the memories made were priceless. Everyone in the room looked so content and happy while playing with the animals. They just tugged at our hearts and when you started playing with them you couldn't help but to fall in love.
Overall, my experience there was incredible! The staff were extremely respectful, the prices were affordable, the animals were adorable and experience was unforgettable! Wildlife in Need hosts the Tiger Playtime Fundraisers at different times throughout the year. Check back in with their Facebook page regularly to find out when their next fundraiser will be!