I will start attending Shippensburg University in six months and so far I have towels, a comforter, and a big group chat full of friends also going there. I love the people that I have already met and I cannot wait to have breakfast, lunch, dinner, and Netflix dates with them! I also cannot wait to meet so many more people. I'm sort of awkward when it comes to meeting people for the first time, but if we both set off good vibes with each other I can be very outgoing.
As a single girl going to college I have to admit, I hope to find the person that I am going to love for the rest of my life. It's not a must on my expectations list but I do hope that it happens. The truth is most high school relationships do not work and either don't even make it to prom or end a little after graduation. I hope for a college relationship that is mature, understanding, and equal when it comes to giving each other the same amount of attention and compassion.
Another expectation is to go on more adventures. Not necessarily travel the world, but to go to different places with new people. Considering I don't go very far away from my hometown now it would be very out of my comfort zone to go on adventures more often.
Maybe this expectation isn't obvious but I know I'm not the only one that hopes to go to college and find what their career will be. I know my major and I know what I like to do in that major but I don't know what I would like to do most and what to make a career out of. That is part of the reason why I chose Ship. It has so many opportunities and I know I will come out of my four years knowing where and who I should be.