I’m not really sure where we fell apart
Sometimes it’s not clear what went wrong in a relationship, you just know that something wasn’t right; it just didn’t work. Maybe this outcome was inevitable and as we grew into our separate identities. We weren’t meant to last forever and for that reason we couldn’t remain friends. I’ll have to admit though, sometimes I catch myself thinking of you, but then I remember that our distancing was the healthiest thing the both of us could do for ourselves.
Thank you for the friendship we had
Thank you for the good times. Although ending of our relationship was rough, thank you for the times we were able to laugh, stay up late, sing, dance, and just be silly together. I’m not sure if I miss you, or if I just miss what we had; If I miss you, or the idea of you and who you used to be. No matter the answer, thank you for growing up with me and allowing our short friendship to be a memorable one.
I owe it all to you
I am only the person I am today because I knew you. Losing our friendship has made me a stronger, wiser, and more confident person. Because you left, I was able to find people that actually liked me for who I am. Now, I am surrounded by friends that are positive, encouraging, uplifting, hilarious, and remind me that I am loved. And I would not trade them for anything.