Wow. This is one thing I never in a million years imagined I'd be writing. You know because besties don't date your exes right?? Well according to you that is completely fine as long as you are happy. How selfish can you possibly be? I could come here and say so many ugly and mean things and I could sit here and say "don't feel special if I wanted him I'd have him" but no I'm not going to stoop that low. I am better than that. You on the other hand? No you are not but that is something you have to live with not me. Really I'm just here to thank you. Thank you for going to the beach and sitting in my back seat and texting my ex the entire time. Thank you for randomly ignoring me after that trip because you were talking to my ex. Thank you for posting with him I guess thinking I wouldn't see it and then waiting to text me a week later trying to be the "bigger person" but yet still putting the blame on everyone but yourself. We dated for two years and you were there for all of it. You watched me cry over him you were there when he gave me a promise ring then broke my heart 2 weeks later. You knew more about our relationship than you should've because now looking back you were there through all of it probably wishing it was you. Who knows you probably tried to get with him while we were dating. I just want to give you a HUGE thank you for finally showing me what a selfish and careless person you really are. I deserve better friends than you and I'm thankful that you are no longer and will never again be in my life. You will eventually cry over the things i cried over, eventually you will get tired of the things I was tired of and eventually he will break your heart just like he did mine. But one thing forsure is if you ever think you will compare to me you are sadly mistaken. Karma always comes back around and it always gets revenge and yours is coming. Congratulations you forever broke a great friendship for a boy because you are simply selfish.