As you enter the market place you are surrounded by shops, all in the business of gold and jewels. Your eyes wonder through window displays filled with a vast variety of bracelets, necklaces, rings, diamonds, and much more. There is so much to see that you may even find it difficult to know where to focus. While maneuvering through the streets you notice that many types of people are present. Some of the tourists are in awe, some are prospective buyers, and some are even hoping to sell what they already own. This is a destination for all, and is a jewelry lover’s paradise.
Over the last few years, Dubai has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. With the city being known for its gold trade, it is almost impossible not to go and see the gold markets. One of the most famous areas in the Dubai, as well as the Middle East, to buy gold goods is in the Deira Gold Souk.
Deira is one of the commercial business areas of Dubai, and is where you can find the Gold Souk. In the 1940s, traders and entrepreneurs from Iran and India would set up stalls, containing a variety of gold items to sell, in this area. However, now when entering you are greeted with the opportunity to visit over 300 retailers.
In the souk it is estimated that approximately 10 tons of gold is present at any given moment.
One of the most shocking sights is the world’s largest ring. Catching a glimpse of this world record holder will definitely leave you in astonishment. The Najmat Taiba, also called the Star of Taiba, is estimated to cost more than $3 million. The 21-carat ring weighs about 141 pounds and is encrusted with 11 pounds of precious stones. This masterful piece was made by 55 workers, and took 45 days to make. Since being placed on display the Najmat Taiba is a must see attraction for all visiting gold enthusiasts.