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I Ranked The Zodiac Signs Worst To Best, Change My Mind

Based on people I know and astrological knowledge, but mostly people I know.

I Ranked The Zodiac Signs Worst To Best, Change My Mind

I have a moderate amount of knowledge of the signs. I know about the elements and the three different qualities and can organize them accordingly. But as a person, I like to have a reason for everything.

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Something to take the blame for when shit hits the fan, or a reason to be thankful when things go well. And the stars seem as good as anything else. I don't put all my faith in my horoscope, it's just something to do to pass time. But even with my little bit of background knowledge on the signs, some people can make or break how we think about a certain sign.

Maybe it shouldn't be personal, but it is.

12. Aries


Coming down at the bottom is Aries. And it's not just me, tons of people have something against them. (Thankfully) I don't know a whole lot of them, but the ones I do didn't leave a great impression. A few of my favorite celebrities are Aries, like Reese Witherspoon and Emma Watson, which is why a small part of me feels bad putting it this low on the list. But a lot of the time, Aries are aggressive and judgmental. Aries is a fire sign, which, in general, I kind of like. But they're what I would describe as "a lot," and that can be a good or bad thing. I think the part of Aries that is "a lot" is the way they just want what they want and don't care about much else. They're demanding and all over the place.

11. Pisces

In my experience, Pisces are manipulative and make everything about them. And they care way too much about what people think about them. If any sign is going to get butthurt over their rank, it's Pisces.

They're a water sign, so they're known for being emotional, but not in a way that helps them be empathetic, the way I think a Cancer is. I just find that they can be hard to get along with in large doses. And they don't seem to make a lasting impression, which may be why there aren't too many famous Pisces. With that being said, there are some. Camila Cabello and Rihanna are Pisces and I absolutely adore them, but so is Justin Bieber and I've never been sure how I feel about him.

10. Gemini


Two words: Donald Trump. Yep, he's a Gemini. And that's all that really needs to be said on that.

No, but seriously. Geminis are the Nickelback of the zodiacs. Everyone kind of hate them and aren't sure why. They are so dramatic. They talk a big game and don't follow through most of the time. Gemini is an air sign, which really annoys me because I'm one too and we should be on the same team. Plus, I have friends that are Geminis and I love them a lot, but as a general sign, I can't get behind it. And maybe it's because they're the mutable air sign, which makes them like a harsh wind or tornado? I've tried to find a pattern within the system so it makes sense as to why I dislike them so much but I can't.

9. Scorpio

It probably won't come as a shock that another water sign is toward the bottom of my ranking. I was close to a Scorpio for a really long time, but I don't think I could ever allow myself to be again. And like Pisces, Scorpios are emotional and lack empathy. But there's also an underlying sense of pettiness. They generally don't care about most things. Like their symbol, the scorpion, they'll sting you even if it would hurt them.

8. Sagittarius


We're at a point with my ranking where I don't have it out for the signs. From here, I just think the next sign has something to offer that the one before it doesn't.

Sagittarians are what I would consider being the fieriest of the fire signs. I attribute that to them being the mutable fire sign. All the ones I know are so undoubtedly themselves, all while being the wanderers. The one Sagittarian that comes to my mind instantly is Taylor Swift. And I think of her as being the ultimate Sagittarian. She's changed a lot over the years, but has been consistently authentic no matter what direction she is headed in. Same with Miley Cyrus. They do what they want and find themselves in the process. It's a quality I wish more signs had.

7. Capricorn

I feel like Capricorns are seriously underrated, so I wanted to compensate for that. Being that it's an Earth sign, Capricorns are grounded. They're so low maintenance. My roommate is a Capricorn and she's the easiest person in the world to live with. If I could compare Capricorns to anything, it'd be a goldfish. And as someone who can't take care of anything, that's a high compliment. They're cynical and a little mopey, but they aren't going to bring anyone else down while feeling what they're feeling. And next time you think about Capricorns in a negative light, remember Michelle Obama is a Capricorn and one of the greatest people on the planet.

6. Taurus

Taurus are the most neutral sign I can possibly think of. They're the fixed Earth sign, so they're like rocks. Unbelievably solid and dependable. They don't do anything wrong, ever. They aren't a very notable sign and don't steal the show, but there's something special about them. A Taurus has qualities you'd want in a good friend. And I consider myself lucky because that's exactly what my best friend is.

5. Virgo

There's a pattern here. Apparently, I'm a pretty consistent fan of Earth signs. Virgos are the purest of the signs. They're light-hearted and practical. Of the Earth signs, they're the most down-to-earth. Virgos hold a special place in my heart and are some of my favorite people: my dad, Freddie Mercury, Blake Lively, Beyonce, and John Mulaney. They're so natually loveable.

4. Cancer

Cancers have a bad reputation. They usually come out just on top of Aries in the rankings. But I think that, of the water signs, Cancer is the only one that matters. I can't deny that they're emotional, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing. And compared to Pisces and Scorpios, they handle their emotions with empathy and loyalty. They'll listen to your frustrations and not judge you because they know what it's like to have a lot of feelings. If there's anyone to depend on, it's a Cancer. They'll be down for anything.

3. Aquarius


I had a bit of trouble organizing my top three because they each have different purposes in my life and I hold them all to different standards. My mom is an Aquarius and she is my favorite person in the world, without question. But because I know her better than I know anyone, I can easily pick out her flaws. Aquarians are temperamental and direct almost to a fault. But they're also wholesome, strong-willed, and expressive. They run on emotion sometimes, but from what I can tell, they run on positive emotions, like love. So much of what they do is driven by a passion for people. One person who is a great representation of his sign is Ed Sheeran. He seems feel so deeply and gets his point across in such an amazing way.

2. Libra

I'm a Libra, and a little too proud of it. My favorite thing about myself is something I have no control over. Like Aquarius, Libra is an air sign, which I love. We are the balance of the signs and see the best in things. We seek justice and try our best to be authentic. Patience is important to The way we avoid confrontation is what really sucks about us. We're notorious people-pleasers. As I was writing this, I was dancing around certain words when taking swings at the zodiacs I dislike. Along with that, we can't make decisions and we have to put in a lot of effort to not take life too seriously. Not taking life too seriously is my biggest goal in life, and a Libra I look up to, because of how well he achieves that, is John Mayer. He's the most light-hearted, pure Libra I could imagine. I think we all strive for wholesomeness and purity we see in other signs.

1. Leo


Leos are my favorite sign. I had to decide if I prefer Leos over myself, and because I'm working on not being a narcissist, I decided I do. If I could be any other sign, I'd pick Leo for the confidence they exude. I feel like all Leos would definitely be sorted into Gryffindor. They have a perfect blend of personality, charm, creativity, and humor. Off the top of my head, I can think of more famous Leos than any other sign. They just have this star power. It can come off as conceited, but if they can dial that back and still be humble even with all the talent they probably have, then it's really special. Take Barack Obama for example; the man had a magic about him that caused so many of us to really trust him. He knew he had something special and never took it for granted.

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