Dear best friend,
Today, right now, I am thinking about you. I was going through some old pictures, and I found one of us from, like, four years ago, and I couldn't help but laugh at how extremely young and awkward we both looked in our high school band uniforms.
A lot of time has passed since our first meeting, and I'd like to think we have come a long way. We always joke around that you didn't like me at first glance, and I can't help but wonder what would have happened if you decided you really didn't like me and we never became friends.
My life would be so sad.
You have been nothing but awesome to me in the five years we have known each other. You have been kind, patient, and understanding; you have never once said a single mean thing to me, and you have always listened to me when I have something to say (which is like, always). You have always supported my hopes and dreams, and you have always accepted me exactly as I am, no matter what. That is a truly special trait for a person to have, and I hope you understand how much it means to me.
The bond we have is pretty strong, I'd say; we love most of the same things (clarinets, American Horror Story, Lady Gaga, food -- the list goes on and on), we tell each other all of our problems, we laugh together, we cry together, and, even when we haven't seen each other in months, we are able to pick our friendship up where we left it, as if we just saw each other only yesterday (also, you always forgive me for not texting you back for like, weeks; I'll try to do better, I promise).
I have enjoyed every second I have been friends with you. I mean, all of our crazy road-trips with Cher blasting out of every window have been absolutely amazing, as have the quiet moments spent sitting outside talking about nothing and everything all at the same time. I love how much soul you put into everything you do; I love how passionate you are about the things you love; I love how kind you are to everyone you ever meet; I love how you can brighten anyone's day with a joke and a kind word. Your personality is one of the best in the whole world, and I truly do mean that. I wouldn't trade our friendship for the world; life is hard, but it's a bit less hard knowing that I can call you up and you will have something to say to make me feel better about, well, everything, and I know that, no matter how many cities, states, countries or continents separate us, we will always be friends.
I guess all that's left to say is thank you and I can't wait to see you again; I have so much to tell you.