Lately, I have been super interested in beginning a nightly and morning routine regarding my face. My whole life, I have been absolutely horrible with keeping a routine going due to either being up late and being just too tired or honestly just forgetting. I have been struggling with keeping my face clean and honestly, my face just doesn't feel good either, I am someone who gets decently bad acne so a morning and nightly routine should part of my schedule, although I am still getting used to doing my morning and nightly routine, I have been pretty good about keeping up with it. Keeping up with it helps a lot when I just remember to wash my face and, whenever I brush my teeth, it is easier for me to remember that way!
Here is my morning and nightly face routine in order:
1. Wash my face with a face cleanser![]()
I clean my face whenever I shower also, but I found that when I clean my face in the morning, it helps me get ready for the day. Overall, I just feel more energized and clean. Washing my face at night just kind of reminds me that my day is done and I can start to settle down and get ready for bed, but with a clean face!
2. Wash left over dirt
I like to use like a daily cleanser after I wash my face as well, I just get a cotton ball wet with the cleanser and go back over my face just to pick up any excess dirt and grime that my face wash might not have gotten. It tends to dry my skin on my face out a lot, but it has made an impact on my skin in the long run.
3. Brush my teeth![]()
Most days and night, I brush my teeth before I start my face routine, but every now in then I will brush my teeth after I use my cleanser because sometimes it leaves my face wet and it needs time to dry, so I brush my teeth to give it time to dry.
5. Moisturize
Next, (my favorite part), I moisturize. I am not quite sure why I enjoy moisturizing my face so much but for some reason, it is just so satisfying to me! For me, this step is especially important because my cleanser is so prone to drying my skin out. Moisturizing after I use the cleanser always leaves my face feeling much less dry and yucky.
That is my morning and nightly routine when it comes to keeping my face as clean as possible. Another helpful tip that I have started doing is washing my pillow cases once a week. A lot of dirt and dust can collect on your pillow cases and could cause your face to break out and just be unclean in general. I have also found that instead of using your hands to wash your face, using a little hand towel instead works better, it keeps your hands off your face. Touching your face with your hands can also tend to cause break outs due to all the natural oils that are in your hands. Hopefully things tips will help you either find a new skin care routine or help extra!