Father's Day...this day can be filled with joy celebrating "the best dad in the world" or it can be painful remembering a father that's no longer with you or one who was never present to begin with. But my Dad, well, He's the greatest. He has not ever walked out on me. He has not ever lied to me. He has always kept His promises, and He always will. He loves me unconditionally. He has not ever let me down. No, I'm not talking about my earthly father (but shout out to you, dad, you're awesome too). I am talking about my heavenly Father. We have all been given the chance to be adopted into His family, and what an exciting opportunity that is!
There is not one human who will always keep their promises. Not one who will never disappoint you. People are just plain rotten sometimes. It makes it difficult to believe that there is actually Someone who will never let us down. But there is. He longs for your affection just as much as you long for His (even if you don't realize you do). He rejoices with you in the triumphs of your life. His heart aches for you when you feel lonely or defeated. He gives grace so freely, even when we're the biggest screw-ups. He loves you without any restraints, so much so that He would be willing to die for you and experience the greatest weight of sin and guilt any man has ever felt. You were no accident, EVER. He created you with a specific purpose. He has called you to live out this purpose wildly for His glory and your good. He gives us a freedom that 700 National Anthems and countless old war stories couldn't arouse in us. He doesn't put restraints on us, but rather calls us to a life of reckless abandon for Him and His glory. He is perfect in all of His ways.
As I've written before, I have a problem giving up control of my life to Him. However, I have found that the times when I feel the most wild and free in His never-ending love is when I surrender completely to Him. It's not easy, and it's not glamorous. But man, is it worth it. Give up control to your Father. He knows and wants only what's best for you. He's been at this whole having-control-of-everything business for quite some time now (try the beginning of the world), so He's kind of qualified for the job of being your Dad. Surrender to Him. Run home to your Daddy today.
Maybe you've strayed away, or maybe you've never experienced this wild love I've been talking about. Wherever you're at in your life today, your Daddy is calling your name. He wants to love you and give you the blessings of His kingdom. He is calling you home. Give Him a chance today. Call on His name. He will always pick up, and I promise He will never disappoint you.