If you're lucky enough to have cousins in your life, keep them close. I personally feel that they are the most important people to have in your life, and chances are they will never leave your side (partly because you're related.) My cousin's will always some of the biggest pieces of my heart.
They are literally the only people who will understand fights with your mom and dad because they know exactly how they are (and even exactly how you are,) so they can help make any fight better, by trying to explain it from both sides. Not many people are able to do that, but my cousins for sure can.
They are there through all of life's ups and downs. Nothing is truer than that, family is family and because we all go through things, my cousins have been there through all of it. I will always be there for them, and we can get through whatever the problem is because we have each other.
There is nothing we wouldn't do for each other. I would literally drop anything for my cousins and there is nothing in the world more comforting than knowing that they would do the same for me. I know for a fact that they are the people who would do anything in the world for me, and I love that I have them there.
There is also pretty much nowhere in the world I would rather be. A day at my aunts with my cousins? Yes, please. Or spontaneous shopping trips, movie dates, plays, city trips (whatever we have done together,) is literally my favorite thing in the world. I look forward to the times we spend together (practically count down the days until we do it again,) and they are actually the times when I have the most fun. Whether its laughing till we can't breathe, or talking about our feelings, my days with my cousins are my favorite days of all.
They've watched me grow up, and vice versa. Some of my biggest decisions in life have been made with their advice, and I would definitely not have been able to make the decisions without them. It may be a little much to say that I literally need my cousins for a lot of what life throws at me, but I absolutely need them for a lot of what life throws at me.
They help me feel important. No matter how bad I feel or how much I feel like I can't do something, I have cheerleaders in my corner, praising me and telling me that no matter what, I can do whatever I set my mind to. They make me feel good enough, and they make me feel like I am important and worth all of the good things and there is nothing I appreciate more.
Lastly, we have been through a lot together, but I would not trade it for the world. You guys have been everything to me from when I was little, and you will continue to be. I promise to help you get through each and every difficulty, and when that hard time ends, I will be the first one cheering you on and hugging you, never doubting once that you would make it through and come out just as flawless as you went in. Every up and down has made us stronger, and if any of you ever feel that there is something you cannot face alone, I will always be here to face it with you.
Each of you are beautiful inside and out, and I would not be the person I am today without you. I am lucky enough to be close to my cousins on both my dads side and my moms side, and I am lucky enough that they are my very best friends. No matter the situation, no matter the troubles, I would not trade it for the world. I will always be here to make sure you all know how special you are and to help you with whatever life throws at you. I love you more than you guys will ever know and I am grateful for each and every moment we get to spend together.