Dear Santa,
I know, I know, I'm a little too old to be writing this letter. But, it's the holidays, which means you're probably expecting the same old "I want a pony" or "I want a toy car" spiel from little kids. But, I wanna change your expectations up a bit! Since I'm a college student (and a close to broke one at that), here's some things I can benefit from with your assistance.
1) Buy me the gifts on other people's lists
Santa, I'm telling you, I'm broke. I can't buy my brother his Nike socks, PS4 games, and Under Armour stuff for basketball! Help a sister out plz :) I'll even wrap stuff myself!!
2) Cool clothes from the Sorority T-Shirt Swaps
Because a girl wants to look flee, but not for such a large fee (ja feel???) #GoGPhiB
Because I'm lazy, so I keep the snacks I'm saving for the weekend with me all day, and I end up eating them before I get back to my room at midnight :(
4) Concert Tickets
There's been too many albums released within the past 8 months, so I know I'm gonna need the tickets to see these people live!! (Lower mezzanine or front row stage seating please :D )
5) Any (or all the things) from this (and this) Buzzfeed List
Because Buzzfeed is love, Buzzfeed is life.
6) Cash
Because if you really don't feel like getting me these objects, MAKE IT RAIN SANTA (From 1,000 to the Billions, I have no preference)
Anyway, that's all I really have for this year. And, if you feel like being especially generous, can you pay my tuition? Yes? No?
From one broke college student to the person that sees her name is on the NICE list,