To the random girl I met on the first day of college,
As our first year of college comes to an end, and we begin to cram for our finals, I'd like to thank you for saving me on the first day of school. While wandering aimlessly and alone we happened to bump into each other, and little did I know that I had met my best friend.
Everyone's biggest fear on the first day of any school is "what if I don't make any friends", and naturally walking onto a college campus can have that same effect, to an even more extreme extent. So, lonely and unsure, I began my trek through the first day, looking for potential friends, but not having much luck.
But then, I ran into you, and by "ran into" I mean you ran up to me just as lonely and decided on the spot that we were destined to be friends. Skeptical but desperate I accept, only to find out that we are actually the same person.
Little did I know that this "random girl" would turn into someone I couldn't live without. Someone that would encourage me to just belt out lyrics to random songs in the middle of a campus parking lot and to consume my weight in coffee over the course of a week.
Since that first day you've helped me through my three in the morning mental breakdowns, because you were up at the same time having the same mental breakdown. You've shown me every decent pizza place in the area, and every Dunkin, and every Panera....and I'm pretty sure you're the reason for my "Freshman 15", but that's why we're friends. But most importantly, you've shown me that an intelligent conversation is one worth having, and that there is more to life than drama and gossip (even though we have our fair share of those conversations as well).
Thank you for being my "study buddy" even though most study sessions end in either tears or "did you HEAR what she did yesterday?!"; and for dragging me to random seminars because you know that I'll end up being interested in it as soon as it starts. Thank you for pushing me to get involved, because it has completely transformed my entire experience at school and has turned my first year into something I never would have imagined. And thank you for befriending the lonely girl in your Psychology class, because now we have an incredible friendship that nobody will ever understand.
So here's to a new year! One full of new classes to pull all-nighters over, new pizza places to venture into, plenty of new gossip to share and new adventures to get ourselves into! I love you so much and thank you for finding me on the first day of class, you are truly my saving grace in the wonder years of college.
Love ya! (Even though you drive me towards insanity),
Your Best Friend