My Christmas Reflection…
For today's post I am sharing my own Christmas Reflection.
As Christmas approaches, I wanted to say how thankful am for each day. This season, like always, brings me so much joy.
When I am surrounded by all of my loved ones and friends, and we spend times having fun, and talk into the early hours of the morning.
As Christmas approaches, I also know how this is a hard time for many who are without shelter, or food, and even lost touch with those they love. We need to do more for those in need. For it is in giving that we receive, by volunteering of our time, and putting others ahead of ourselves.
As Christmas Approaches, I know there are many families who will be apart, and missing those who can't be with them.
As Christmas approaches, I will celebrate by going to church, being grateful for my faith, and the newborn king while praising him within my own family.
As Christmas approaches, I wanted to reflect on how we need to work hard to be kind with one another, not just during this time.
As Christmas Approaches I will reflect on being thankful for all of my blessings, and I will pray for peace and happiness to everyone.
Merry Christmas and Tis the Season!