I use to strive to have a Pinterest-worthy room. I always pick out the cutest decor and canvases and I try my hardest to keep my room at a top level. However, I am a messy person, it is who I am and who I will probably always be. I try so hard to keep my room clean, honestly, I really do. I will say I will clean my room at least once a week and keep my laundry under control as well. I try to not stuff everything in my closet or under my bed when I know I have guests coming over. I especially try hard not to make excuses for when none of this is achievable.
My room has been a mess since before spring break and until recently I hadn't budged on cleaning it. Let me tell you though I do not have a problem with having a messy room. When I walk into my messy room with friends most people ask me how I know where anything is. I then ask them how they know where anything is when their rooms are clean.
See to everyone else they see a mess and clutter everywhere, I see chaos as well but I see an organized chaos. I can know that my index cards are on the right side of my desk under the shirts, jackets, and textbook. I know that my left shoe is almost always under my bed while somehow my right shoe ends up in my shoe tub in the closet. I also know that when I look at my messy room I know exactly where anything I need is.
Now I have said I am a messy person and what annoys me is many people confuse this with dirty. Even through all my chaos, clutter, and mess, dirty is not something I am. When I think of a dirty person I think of their room having an actual odor, while mine always has my candle going. I think of plates piled high in their room, and while I may sometimes have a couple of cups in my room, I tend to leave the plates piled in my sink.
Many people will come and judge my messy room but it is not something I am ashamed of. It is who I am and will continue to be no matter how much my mom would love for me to change. My messy room and I are clutter and chaos but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Plus, I would get completely confused if I couldn't find my left shoe under my bed if my room was clean because that is just where they belong.
Disclaimer: Since cleaning my room it is back to its chaotic messiness and will probably stay that way until I move out and into a new room that will soon become its own chaos.