When my parents told me growing up that one day my sister and I would be best friends, I never believed them. I mean, how could I? They were trying to tell a 13-year-old girl that her 7-year-old annoying baby sister who never leaves her alone is eventually going to be her biggest ally.
I always envied the sister relationships where they were inseparable and told each other everything, but I always figured that was impossible for us. I thought the four-year gap was too big for us to have anything in common. From taking my clothes without asking, to telling on me every chance she got, I thought that there was no way my sister would become such a huge part in my life. Boy, was I wrong.
It took two years of being away at school for the relationship I heard so much about to start to form, and I am so thankful that it did. The bickering about unimportant things turned into making plans and spending more time having fun together than arguing. I finally had someone that I could call 1,000 miles away and spill my problems to that would have to listen. Someone to make coming home a little bit more exciting and someone to always have when you need a friend.
Whether it's dancing around the house like total fools or fighting over who gets the last slice of pizza, I'm thankful for you. You have helped me in a way no one else could because of your brutally honest personality and loving heart. I find myself coming to you for advice even though you're younger and it's because of how special you are. I have been inspired by your constant resilience and your way to brighten up an entire room. But most importantly, I am honored to watch you grow.
Watching you surpass some of your toughest years of life has shown me you are 10 times the kid I was growing up. You have shown me how strong you are and I can't wait to see all the amazing things you do in the future. I hope that you remember me when you're doing big things.
Remember that I love you more than you know and I will always be your number one fan. Continue to be my favorite person and biggest cheerleader. You're my best friend in the world.
Do You Secretly Have A B.S. In Sarcasm?