My brother is three years older than me, incredibly talented, and he sucks. Not in the way y’all are probably thinking, though. If you know me at all, you know that my brother is my absolute best friend and you're probably really confused.
He sucks because he doesn’t care about what I want, but he cares about what I need. No matter how many times I think I’m right about what I want, my brother will tell me I’m stupid and that he knows what’s best. Whether that’s keeping me from hanging out with certain people, not wanting me to go somewhere sketchy, or just telling me to shut my mouth when he knows it’s going to get me in trouble, there is a blatant disregard for what I want.
He sucks because he is convicting. My brother makes me a better person because he calls me out on the things that few others will. He forces me to open my eyes and live the life I’m called to live even though he knows first hand how difficult it can be. I want my life to be uncomplicated and comfortable, but he won’t let it be. He won't let me live in my comfort zone without calling me out and making me think about the way I should actually be living.
He sucks because he went to college and left me at home all alone. Seriously, why? He could have stayed at home for a couple of years and kept me company and we could have tackled college as a team, but he left me. He left me for college, and then he left me for graduate school, and he’s leaving me this summer to follow his heart and his ministry. What the heck, dude. Stop being so successful.
He sucks because when he went to college, he came back and took mom and dad’s side in everything. He left for a semester and came back expecting me, an absurdly sassy sophomore in high school, to appreciate everything my parents did for me and always speak to them with kindness and gentleness. I thought he was insane… and then I went to college and understood precisely why he felt that way. (Sorry, mom and dad. -Your terribly attitudinal high school daughter.)
He sucks because he knows every little embarrassing part of my entire life. He has endless ammunition to use against me and to share with my friends, and that is dangerous. He knows the stupid things I’ve said and done, but more importantly, he has way too many horrendous selfies of me on his phone for his own good.
He sucks because he has set my standards for men inconceivably high. After living for 20 years with him by my side, I know what I won’t stand for in a man. I have seen a great example of what a man who chases the Lord with all of his heart looks like, and it’s not fair to the other guys out there.
My brother sucks, but I wouldn’t trade anything in this world for a brother who didn’t. He has taught me more in the last 20 years than anyone, and I consider myself the luckiest girl in the world because I am the only one in existence who gets to call him my brother.
And for the record, I’m the only one on this planet allowed to say that about him. If I ever hear a soul mutter the words “her brother sucks,” I will have no problem sticking it where the sun don’t shine, and that's a promise.
Thanks for sucking. I love you so much.