I've never considered myself a feminist. There was always such a stigma with "feminists" being dramatic, attention-seeking girls who just wanted to make a scene. I thought this way too until I met my boyfriend.
My boyfriend is a feminist. He was the one who taught me, most importantly, that feminists aren't just women. A feminist is anyone who recognizes the mistreatment of women and stands for equality. Feminists aren't making a show for attention. Feminists are fighting — desperately — for equal rights. For equal pay... for a voice. He reminded me that women are strong, independent, badasses that deserve to be treated as such.
Here are all the reasons why dating a feminist is the best:
1. He never talks down to you.
He never treats you like you're stupid. He voices his opinions but never makes you feel small.
2. He listens and hears you.
He respects your opinions. He listens when you speak. He doesn't talk over you. He knows your words are just as important as his.
3. He respects women.
He doesn't objectify you or other women. He doesn't talk badly about other women. He respects other women and sees them as equals.
4. He treats you, and all women, as equals.
He doesn't think you're some small, breakable arm-ordainment. This isn't the 50's. He treats you like a real person with real opinions. He doesn't expect you to act like a housewife.
5. He doesn't impose gender-specific norms.
He shares the housework. He doesn't expect laundry to be done or dinner to be made when he gets home. He respects that you work, too.
6. He recognizes your struggles.
He stands up for equal pay, oppression, and the abuse women suffer every day. He sees the catcalling, the objectifying, and animalistic behavior of other men and he stands with you.
7. He despises the behavior of other men.
He doesn't make excuses for how other guys act. He doesn't defend their behavior.
8. He doesn't trivialize women's problems.
He sees how women are mistreated and doesn't disregard their problems.
9. He will take care of you.
Not in a way that demoralizes you, but makes you feel protected and loved. He gives you the space to be independent but is always there when you need him.
10. He encourages you to be the badass woman you are.
He makes you feel empowered. He knows you can do anything you set your mind to, and he reminds you of that.
But really if you're SO isn't a feminist, then what are you doing with your life?