Dear sister,
Growing up, every child was inspired by something. Some wanted to be doctors, others wanted to be rock stars, and I wanted to be just like you. I'm sure being the older sister definitely had it's ups and downs, and I bet you got sick of having me around more often than not. As the youngest sibling, it was my job to sneak into your room when you weren't home and steal your Backstreet Boys' CD's or the new makeup you just bought. I bet you weren't too happy with me when I spilled finger nail polish all over your carpet, or took the last string cheese out of the refrigerator.
There were a lot of times I would "borrow" your jewelry, and never give it back, and when I needed a cool new outfit to wear to school, I went shopping in your closet. When you had all of your high school formals, I would go put on a dress and then cry hysterically when you'd tell me I couldn't go. When I was in grade school I'd go to all of the high school football games and stand in the very front of the bleachers so I could wave to you and brag to all of my friends that the prettiest cheerleader was my big sister. After I finally made it to high school, I decided to become a cheerleader too, not because I liked it but because you did, and I wanted to be just like you.
You were the person who made all of the mistakes before I even had the chance to because mom and dad "knew better." I was held to your 'straight A' performance in high school because, like mom always said, "if your sister could do it, so can you." You were the person who made family gatherings a little less miserable, and you were the friend I had when it felt like I didn't have any at all. Back in the day, I used to think I was super sneaky like you'd never find out I was "borrowing" your stuff, but now that I am in my twenties, I realize that you knew about it all along. I think that's why when I look back on our childhood together, the most important thing I can remember is that even though you were my 'bossy' big sister, you were and always will be my best friend.
Whenever I needed a friend or just someone willing to listen, you were there. You've put up with my sassy attitude and over the top mood swings, and still help me make the best of every situation. When I am upset, you are always the first person I call, and when I'm too embarrassed or scared to tell mom and dad something, I always trust in you to keep a secret (for a little while at least.) I never knew that moving one hour away for college would make me miss my big sister so much. I wish more than anything that we could spend our Tuesday afternoons watching 'Zoom' and making disgusting food concoctions, or going to the drive in and recording each other dancing before the movie starts.
As we have gotten older, our time together has gotten shorter, but our bond and friendship has only gotten stronger. I honestly don't think I would even be 1/2 of the person I am today without you in my life. Your influence on me has been a great one, and I look up to you everyday. That little girl who once wanted to be just like her big sister, still does.
So thank you, for always accepting me, and more importantly, for believing in me especially when I didn't. Thank you for always holding my hand when I cried and for trusting me with your secrets. Thank you for standing up for me and for trying to understand me even when you couldn't. Lastly, thank you for all the ways you have made me feel loved and cared for. You are not only my big sister, you truly are my best friend, and partner in crime. I'm so lucky to have such an amazing, kind-hearted person in my life.
With that being said big sister, I love you, and I always will. Stay fabulous.