Everyone has a best friend. It has to be the hardest thing to move away from your best friend. I moved away from mine when I was 10, she was the one I grew up with, but at such a young age, do you really know what a best friend does and who they truly are?
When I moved to Texas, I was obviously forced to make an entirely new set of friends and that included making a new best friend. I hadn't even met my best friend yet, I went four years of living in Texas without knowing who she was. I called many people, within that time frame, my best friend. I was trying to get to know more people and ease the move for me.
I had first heard about my best friend at a bowling tournament. We lived within 20 minutes of each other, bowled the same tournaments and bowled against each other, but at the time I hadn't even put any real thought into who she really was.
My freshman year, we got to know each other a lot more and by the end of my freshman year, we were best friends. She is the best best friend anybody could ever have. I don't know how I would have made it throughout the next couple of years of high school and more without her by my side. Although we lived 20 minutes away, she was always here for me when I needed someone the most. If I needed to go to someone's house, or if I needed a shoulder to cry on, or someone to call at 4 in the morning, she was the first person I would go to, and she still is the first person I go to.
Almost two years ago, she moved to another state. As I have dealt with moving away from my best friend before, I didn't think this was going to be easy at all. When I moved from my best friend in Colorado, I visited once within the year after, after that we never stayed in touch, and I always thought that her and I would always stay in touch. So, it scared me when my best friend had moved away. That was the first person I could honestly say was my best friend and she really was, and acted like she was in every way. I didn't want her to leave.I didn't want us to fall apart and all the good memories we have had to really become memories with someone I used to know.
However, when she moved, we stayed in touch. We talk everyday and every now and again we meet up and hang out and go to each other's houses (in different states) to visit. She is still the person I can go to at 4 am when I need someone the most, the person I can always go to if I need to cry, and the person I can go to at any other point in time for anything, even if we're not 20 minutes away and now we're hours away.
Yeah, at first I thought the only thing we would have in common was bowling, but it turns out we really have a lot more in common, even in past history before we knew each other (that's a pretty ironic and funny story). She is my rock, than anchor to my boat, the peanut butter to my jelly, my other half, and my best friend.
Without a doubt, I am beyond blessed to have such an amazing person in my life as my best friend. And I have no clue where I would be without her, even miles apart. And I know that as we begin our own journeys of adulthood and college and eveyrhting else going around us and that it will get harder to stay in touch, that if I ever need someone she will forever and always be the person I can go to. I love my best friend to the moon and back.