A best friend is someone who is always there for you. They're the person you can always turn to and they never let you down. They're someone who you can be yourself with and there's no pretending. Even through the hard times, they've always got your back and will never leave you lonely.
My best friend Kelsey and I have been together since fourth grade. I remember the day we met as if it had just happened. We were on the playground waiting in line to play tetherball. It was western day, so everyone was all decked out in their boots and buckles. Kelsey and I were next in line watching one of our friends play. To go along with the theme of the day, Kelsey turned to me and said "I bet five grand on Courtney." I was not one for gambling money that I didn't have to lose, so I turned back to her and said "I bet five grand on whoever wins." Kelsey looked back at me in shock because she was not expecting that answer. After that day we have been best friends and inseparable.
Another thing about us is that we are interested in many of the same things. For instance, we both showed animals in the county fair all through school. Every year we would volunteer together and show together at the fair. We had set places we liked to go and people who we'd hang out with there as well. Another interest we share is boys. Now I know what your'e thinking, but you're wrong. We both had many guy friends. We just always got along with guys so much easier than girls. But since I mentioned it, yes we dated many guys too, but never the same guy. One thing we do not share is our taste in guys. Even though I think many guys she's dated are cute, they aren't my type and same visa versa. I guess we just got lucky that it all worked out.
Aside from all the late night phone calls and the many sleepovers, having her in my life has taught me many things. Things such as how to trust, how to love, and how to be a friend. Without her in my life, I would never have learned these in the same way. Without her, I'd have no one to celebrate my birthday with, no one to go to the rodeo with, I wouldn't have anyone to talk boys with, and no one would get the joke "Shackle me!" "I'm shackled!"
Kelsey, I thank you every day for being my friend and teaching me these things. Remember, your the one who keeps my head in the clouds and I'm the one who keeps your feet on the ground.