I'm not going to rant, because that simply does not solve anything. I am just going to share with y'all what Baylor is to students and families. It's time you hear an inside perspective because the media is drowning in outside opinions of who we are.
This is what Baylor is not:
We are not perfect. We are not the choices of those lost and lonely, desperate for a redemptive love, but blind to where they can find it. We are not immune to failure, no matter how big or small. We are not all the same. We are not defined by our mistakes. We are not quitters. We are not what the media says about us. We are not unworthy of redemption. We are not finished. We are not afraid of starting over. We are not any less than we were before.
This is what Baylor is:
Baylor is a family. A family of believers, non-believers, those trying to find their way, and those who know exactly where they are headed. We are a diverse family with people from all over the world, with all different backgrounds and stories. We are a family that loves each other. We are a community—a big, beautiful, amazing community. We are hopeful for change and improvement. We are worthy of forgiveness and redemption. We are defined by our identity in Christ. We are sinners, many saved by grace, some still searching for that grace, though the Lord is standing in front of them offering it. We are tradition. We are history. We are ready to start again. We are ready for action. We are rebuilding. We are getting back up. We are stronger than ever. We are Baylor.
With that being said,
We are not the decisions of a player, coach, athletic director—and no, not even a president. We are a student body that desires to learn at a level of excellence, while pursuing the Lord and His wisdom in our lives. We will mess up, we will crack, and we will be knocked down. But we will always get back up, and keep fighting for the school we love with all that we've got. God is here on this campus, and here He will remain. Satan is no match for Him, and His power will always prevail. Baylor stands together to push through the pain because there is a greater light that is worth walking through the darkness for.
I stand with Baylor. I pray that you will too. Pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ as we surrender to the Lord and allow His will to be done in our university.
"Baylor we are and Baylor we will always be." -Robert Griffin III