My anxiety is a barrier that keeps me from being the person I truly am. When you first meet me, that is the anxiety talking. Wait a little, and you will meet the true me.
Anxiety is an abnormal and overwhelming sense of apprehension and fear often marked by physical signs, such as sweating, tension, and increased pulse, by doubt concerning the reality and nature of the threat, and by self-doubt about one's capacity to cope with it.
What I really want people to understand is that the person you first meet isn’t the real me. That’s my anxiety.
My anxiety is a shy, nervous stressed out person who is afraid to ask for help or tell someone that they missed something.
Just like anemia, anxiety is something that I can’t change. I can’t tell you how it started or why. What I can tell you is that I struggle with it every day. I wake up already worried about all the scenarios I may have to encounter at work and go to bed thinking that the people I work with think I’m an idiot.
Anxiety is the constant assumption that whenever anyone is whispering, they’re whispering about you.
But my anxiety isn't me. I’m a loud, sarcastic, care free person who’s just trying to squeeze past that barrier called anxiety.
I love meeting new people and sharing my stories and experiences. I love kayaking and tubing. I’m a crazy sports fanatic, the red wings are my life.
Get to know me and you’ll see what my friends see. And if you have anxiety and are afraid to talk to me, please try to break that barrier or say “Hi” and we can try to get over it together.
If you can’t reach that don’t worry, tomorrow will be better. You’re not alone, people love you. And remember that the people whispering over there, they aren’t talking about you if they are they probably like your shoes.