Let me first start off by saying that this post, is not going to be easy for me to write. But maybe, just maybe, by writing this, it will help some else who is going through something similar to what I have been through in my 20 years in this word.
Anxiety and depression is something that a lot of people claim that they have. And no, I am not discounting those people who claim that they have it, because everyone get anxious about things in life, and everyone gets sad and has bad days where they don't want to do anything but stay in bed. But to sit in a doctor's office and have someone look at you and say "You have major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and panic disorder." That is a completely different world. Those few words may not seem like much to some, but to those who have been told that, or something similar, know what I mean when I say that they change things. They finally put into perspective what you have been feeling for months on end, as well as why you feel them. It isn't something wrong with you, it is a chemical imbalance in your mind that is making you feel that way. And trust me when I say, it sucks.
I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression two and a half years ago. But that doesn't mean that it just started two and a half years ago. No, it started years before I was diagnosed. And admitting that you need to see someone because it takes everything in you to get out of bed in the morning, to get up and go to school or work, or even just to get up and do chores around the house. It's hard, Lord knows it's hard. But one thing to remember, no matter how hard it may seem, is that just because you may have anxiety or depression, or whatever else it may be, that does not mean that you ARE that thing. You are so much more than just some disorder.
1) You are stronger than you realize.
You are stronger than you think you are. Having anxiety or depression, or whatever it may be, makes you so much stronger than you realize, because you learn how to overcome it. You learn what helps you feel better, what makes things worse for you. You do not see the true strength within you because you do feel like it is impossible to get up and do simple things, do the dishes, wash clothes, whatever it may be. But guess what, you did it. You got up, you got dressed, you did what you thought you would not be able to do because you didn't have the motivation to do it. And for that, you are strong. You did not let something as simple as having "one of those days" as I call them, stop you from going out and having a good time with friends. You did not let it stop you from getting ready for work and kicking butt while you were there. You did not let it win or control your life. YOU ARE STRONG.
2) You are allowed to have bad days.
You are allowed to have bad days. Days where you honestly do not have the motivation to get up and do anything at all, and that is perfectly fine. But do not let those days take over your life and stop you from having fun. When you have those bad days where you find yourself in bed re-watching that one show on Netflix for the 20 billionth time, like I do with Grey's.. (shout-out to Ms. Shonda Rhimes killing off all my favorite characters by the way. *cough* Lexi and George *cough*) I've learned the best thing to do is to call up one of your best friends or someone who knows how you are on those days, and get them to come over. Because being alone, or shutting yourself off to the world, does nothing but make things worse. I get it, you don't want to be around anyone, you just want to be alone. But take it from someone who's been there and done that, it doesn't help. If anything it can actually make you feel worse because then you have time to sit there and over think everything and replay old memories in your mind. Get up, call your best friend, get out of your pajamas, and get out of the house. I know it's going to be hard, but trust me, at the end of the day, it'll be so much better than just laying there.
3) Have people to help get you through it.
But I think the most important thing I could have ever learned living with anxiety and depression, may just be having a close group of friends who love you and will always have your back no matter what. No matter the good days, nor the bad, the attitude you may catch with them when you are having "one of those days," those few friends who know you and I mean REALLY know you, will know what you need to get you out of those moods, to help get you back to smiling and laughing. Those people who can do that, it doesn't matter how long you may have known them, what happened to bring you together, at the end of the day, those people are family. And they are the ones who will always be there on the bad days when you need them the most. No matter the screw ups, no matter the arguments or disagreements y'all may have had, they're family. And they are the ones who make the bad days better, but also make the good days that much sweeter.
I know this has kind of been a long post, and for that I apologize. I know it is a lot to read, but hopefully this will help somebody. Because I know these were the things that have been said to me on the bad days, even if I didn't want to hear them, that helped me get through everything, and continue to help me get through it.
Huge thanks to the people in my life who make the good days good, and the bad days a little bit brighter. I love y'all.